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Help!! qeradiant installation error


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Maybe i should be posting this at their forum but i wanted to see if anyone knows what is wrong.


When i start the installation an error message comes up saying:

"the installshield engine (ikernel.exe) could not be installed. the system could not read the specified device."


does anyone know how to fix this?



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This is very common error with InstallShield (setup programme).


Possible reason/solutions:


  • Insufficient permissions on the machine. If you are using a Windows NT or a Windows 2000 machine, you need to have administrative permission to run an InstallShield Professional 6.x setup. Make sure you have the correct permissions.
  • If you just ran an InstallShield setup, the engine takes a few seconds at the end of the installation to clean up. During this time Ikernel.exe (the engine file) is running in memory from a previous process; that is why you are not allowed to launch another setup. Waiting a few seconds and running the setup again should resolve this.
  • Hit the Ctrl, Alt & Delete keys simultaneously. This will show all of the programs that are running in the background. Highlight and End Task on all programs except Explorer and Systray.
  • Check and make sure Ikernel.exe is not in memory. If it is, and no setup is running at the time, end that task.
  • Clean out the Temp directory.
  • Delete the Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Engine folder and then rerun the setup.
  • Reinstalling Internet Explorer (IE) 5.x can also repair a number of corrupted/missing core Windows files from your machine, so reinstalling IE 5.x and the NT service pack is also suggested.



Hope this helps.

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