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The Greatest Enhancement(s) for MP


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Well, after reading through some of the threads on this forum, I have decided to start a thread that will be all about enhancements. Now, I'm not talking about balancing saber stuff and changing the force, but of new options of play. Could you imagine that you and 5 others had to infiltrate an enemy base and assasinate the leader of it? I mean wouldn't that be awesome to crawl through the ducts, arm your lightsaber, bust through a door and chop of the dude's head? I'm not talking about just you though, I mean 5 others who are standing guard, maybe even killing the gaurds ;-). Wouldn't that enhance the game even more? I mean fighting with sabers is fun and all, but what about going into an arena and killing of thousands of robots like in Episode II. I think this would really make the game a lot more enjoyable. Thoughts and Ideas?

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I've just recently joined this forum, and i haven't read all of the enhancments in the gameplay suggestions thread yet.... so if i repeat something thats already been said, please exuse my ignorance....


anyway, as to saber balancing, i think the new 'backslash' system is.... whats the word.... gay. Since backslashes are pretty much 1-hit-KO's most of the time, i see a lot of people just turning they're backs and running into the fight trying to backslash... in the end, its the easiest way to kill someone, so i do it too.... the problem with this is: A) its not fun, no skill needed. B) it looks dumb C) because of B i get no entertainment watching people duel anymore.

My proposition is SaberRealiticCombat. I've seen people talking about it in the threads, and trying to get it implimented into multiplayer without cheating/crashing etc.... The thing thats so nice about saber realistic combat is that it only takes one or two slashes to kill someone, which means no one move will be all powerful. Also, i hope this will put more emphasis on blocking and defence... and therefore strategy... dueling needs more finnesse to be truly cool....



I also like your idea of a Hunted form of game. The idea of having to protect Mon Mothma sounds pretty cool. It could either be light vs. darkside, or Jedi vs. Bounty Hunters (aka saber+force vs. Guns)... the only thing i don't agree with is crawling through vents... i hate the vents.... (personal taste)



hmmm... that went on longer than i expected.. oh well

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I would like a server option 4 duel servers, imagine this -


The duel starts as normal, but once the leader has killed 2 opponents, 2 people will join 2 fight him, a master and a apprentice.

If the leader is defeated then the round restarts as normal with the 1 person who got the kill fighting the next in line, so more people get in 2 the action quicker and theres never a dull moment.

Possibly dark vs light or something, just an idea that crossed my mind ;)

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Great Idea!


In my opinion, if Raven could make a Holocron or Jedi Master type of game, I think they could really think a bit better to make something like the other options of dueling. So as of now, we have objective missions and new types of dueling including other saber stances i believe.

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