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ctf_ns_streets question


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I saw two people on the highest ledge when i was playing jk2. They were on the part of streets that is above the tent to the right. They got to it by going on the platform with the laser and then jumping to that ledge that is at a 45 angle and goes above the force boon. Then they jumped and were caught by the guy that was already up there with grip. I want to know how that first guy got up there. I know this may be hard to understand but i want to know

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When the jumped off the angled ledge, they got a nice boost in altitude. I don't know where exactly you're saying they landed, but I'm guessing the one used push on the other to get him up there, and then the other caught the first guy.


Another snazzy jump trick on streets: when you pick up the flag, jump in the air, land on the first ramp, and quickly jump again. You'll get a good enough boost to get you to the 'bridge' halfway through the alley. Jumping quickly off that will get you to the glass hall at the other end. It will get you out of the enemy base much faster than speed. And it all can be done with absorb on (but you're going to be empty once you're done. eep!)



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