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stuck on the darn demo


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Now you go to the big door that was locked befor you got the key;) i will try to explain: when the first door opens that lets u inside, right stright in front of u is the big door. it is between the room with the thermal detonators(and mounted laser cannon) and the room with the becta, however that is spelled. and let me tell u one thing that will make something easier in the demo. when u get third floor, i think it is, of the generator room(it looks like one of the things from that duel with obi, maul, and qui-gon, in EP1) there is a little control thing with an imperial officer in it. use ur mind control and then kill him when he suts the thinggy off, there is another wat to do this but this is faster. and instead of jumpping all the way to the control room there in the middle, throw ur light saber at the thin connecting post to one of the two bridges, but make sure ur close enough cuz it wont work.

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