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woo egyptian map for Jk2!

The Truthful Liar

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Alright sorry for the late screens, I wanted to get the shaders to work 100% :D


The map is alittle dark but it won't be getting too much lighter since it's meant to be underground/inside.


Standing in the center of inner-chamber:



Looking down a hallway:



Front view of the inner-chamber:



Top view of the inner-chamber:



Side view of the GUESS WHAT! yep the inner-chamber :)



Looking down at some ruins, forgot where this is in my map:



Staircase leading down/up from Inside to the caverns:



Note that all the textures used in this map are 100% completely NEW :cool:


Cheers ;)

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Actually, it's hard to contribute on the interior because it's just so dark. :) The inside looks quite good architecturally... and the texture design is quite good... but it's difficult to see inside. :)


Maybe those fires need to be just a tad brighter? Eh, it always looks different in-game... my maps always look better inside than on those damn screenshots.


As for the outside, the texturing looks pretty good... the architecture looks a bit sparse... I'd suggest doing like Antilles' map and having sand dunes run off into nothing where you just suddenly start to lose health and then die. :D


Also, I wasn't aware Egyptians used dark tones in their building designs? I thought it was all light-colored...


Overall, quite good tho. :D

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Wow, brooding, with extra sexy sause, and a pinch of downright beautiful.


It IS tough to see the screens though. If you think it looks good in game and so don't want to mess with it you could try:


1. Mess with the shaders or light entities so as to increase their value and make it brighter, then compiling with "relight" only. Will be quick as long as you don't have to mess with 100s of light entities.


2. I'm sure noone would mind if you fiddled with the shots a little in photoshop, up the contrast whatever, so we can SEE a little more.



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Oh right I read somewhere about when taking screenshots that you should up the contrast somewhat if you find it too dark :thumbsup: okay well... I doubt I need to do that, I changed a few things and working on the lighting already, its fine ;)


I'm pure suckiness with skyboxes, I'm sorry but looks like I'm going to have to use a default Jk2 box :(

(*hint* unless someone feels like helping :))


Yeah I'll be working on the outside later, but I'm keeping it basic because most of the action takes place inside and the outside would be way too laggy if I over-do the details. Don't worry I WILL work on the layout though.


I'm going to work on a few more textures because I found out that I don't have enough to assist me on the underground section, and NO! I will not resort to Jk2's textures :p


The underground will be very cool, you'll see soon enough - but I just started on it though.


I'm working on each section: Outside, Inside, Underground as seperate levels to reduce compile times and makes it easier for me to test. I'll put them together afterwards.


Cheers ;)

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