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How powerful SHOULD it be? (BS)


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Thank you. I don't usually TRY and insult people (just happens sometimes...)


I think that both versions have their strong points. I liked the way a lot of the force powers used to work, and I like the new, imporved saber blocking (now I now how to fight with it).


The old DFA was powerful, but easily dodgeable, despite the odd bug with the hitbox. I'm fine with the current version, but I'd like to be able to aim up and down with it (the number of times I land on peoples HEADS without dealing damage...for crying out loud :> ) The new backstabs are also ok, but they could do with not hitting those on the ground (prevent the pull/BS from being a problem). Heal needs to decide which it'll have: increased costs for 1.02 healing levels, or decreased healing for 1.02 costs. atm it's nigh on useless unless at level 3 (and it's poo even then). Absorb could do with having it's cost raised to somewhere between 1.02 and 1.03, but overall I think it should remain invisible. Protect should also become invisible, and desperately needs bumping up in usefulness.

Grip needs to do more damage, possibly slow movement of victim a little. Drain needs it's cost lowering, but in 1.02 it was too fast (drain you to empty before you could react). If the rate of force drain was lowered (so the cost was the same to empty someone, but took longer to do it).


I think I've posted these thoughts elsewhere before, but I don't expect everyone to like them :> Constructive criticism please? (It's all academic anyway, but nice to see what people think of them)

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backstab should be a finisher move. which means you fight and then use it to finish the guy off.



the medium finisher takes like 50 points off. i think the backstab should be the same. actually though they should be around 25% of your life because if you end up killing them with a backstab atleast you REALLY had to fight to get the kill.

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umm...I don't know WHICH medium finisher you're talking about..but the ones I know are 1 hit kills bud....


1) back sweep

2) over head finisher


both are 1 hit kills..but the over head finisher has to connect more cleanly than the backsweep.

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uh not really, ive taken hits from medium finishers and not died and so have i hit others and they have not died.



they are not one hit kills.. unless someone hacked em or something. they take a lot of damage , but you shouldnt gonna die from a medium finisher with full health.

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hmm..then you must have lots of shields, because medium finisher does more than 100/25 damage. There are countless threads complaining about this move along with backstab. It is a move I use constantly, so I know it's a 1 hit finisher...he must not be hitting you as cleanly as he should.

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In my opinion:

think the blue bs should be a 25-30 pt hit. You should not be able to 'spin' it, nor should you be able hit someone flat on their back. Please note that I am answering the original post, and not offering insulting comments or whining.

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