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Communacations Array


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Not sure what leval I'am at? Still not sure how all you know that?

But I got here and it's great fun! Until you get stuck for Days! I'm at the mision to find Jan and set the communacations array. On all the levels, blue, red, green the symbals don't match! Ect.


Any help would be great!





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Find the control room to activate the 9 monitors below the symbol-screens of the terminal (use the elevator in the "red section").


Once you activated the terminal (mind you that there are two buttons, the first one deactivates the forcefield surrounding the second), you have to use the 9 smaller monitors/buttons (3 for each of the code symbols) to arrange the symbols in the correct way. If you're done, use the 3 switches (at the terminal, too) to send the code.


Next level...


(keep in mind for the upcoming levels: If a button doesn't work, find a way to activate it)

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