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Tutorial: Saber Modelling for Poor Noobs


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When the export md3 beta 5 by pop n fresh window comes up, under the field "The Following Frames" enter just like this, without the quotes "w_saber tag_parent tag_flash". uncheck everything, leave the position at "none" and then export. you have to specify which frames you want to export.

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ok ive made a saber, im just sk9inning it tnow, but heres the scoop. do what the first post said its a good tut, but to tag it right just grab it from ravens saber, use the w_saber .md3 in the main pak file. As far as importing of md3s, use this its a maxscript file from chris cookson, it works on gmax and max 4 http://www.btinternet.com/~cjcookson/gmax/

So use that to import.

Then to export use Pop 'n' Fresh's max 4 exporter, or steal the one from tempest. you dont need to use tempest just grab the plugin file and put it in the gmax plugins directory.:biggs:


"I find your lack of faith disturbing..." ~ Darth Vader

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Import one of the sabers provided with the game. Delete the saber_w mesh. And your left with the tags. Merge those tags with your model. I really dont see what the big problem is with stealing the tags. Certianly skinning and uvmapping is much more difficult.

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umm... ok... just HOW do you create a tag? been trying to figure out what you guys are talking about.. i've tried creating a rectangle, then i go to Edit Mesh and delete one vertice.. but i end up with just 3 vertices that don't seem to be connected.. am i doing this right?

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The triangle should be visible on one side. If that doesn't work for you, try importing the tags. If you want to create your own, or can't import them, try just moving one vertex into alignment instead of deleting it. i.e. so it lies in the middle of a straight line.

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Ok, my saber model is complete, cept for the tags, but first, I want to know what i need to skin this baby, all I think I need is a jpg with one side chrom and one side black with a little square withe red, all with a gleam thing over it so I can just add the stuff to each part, if im not correct, plz correct me, Im never gonna get this thing done if I dont get some help :(

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umm.. i have a question.. in some tutorials, it says that if your model is symmetrical, it's better to slice it in half before doing the UVW stuff.. but.. how do you do this in gmax? what modifier do i use, and.. how do i go about doing this? =P

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look man i am so new to this **** its not even funny

if you could find the time to write me out a DETAILED walk through i would be forever greatful

its just not as easy to do this as i thought it would be

all i really want to do is modify kyles saber without having to draw out a new one

my email is drummerdw@hotmail.com

i know nothing about skinning or how to get started the only thing i know how to do is open the default saber (kyles) in gmax and add the colors i want

please help me




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First of all, i just want to reiterate, this is not a be all end all modelling tutorial (obviously). Most things, i.e. making your model, uvw mapping your model, are covered much more thouroughly in other tutorials, this tutorial is just meant to get you going, then help you put your finished, skinned, saber IN THE GAME, and maybe tell you some things not mentioned anywhere else. However, i will try to help, but i don't know everything.


Master Shawn, as i said uvw mapping is covered extensively elsewhere (check out polycount man!), but there is one thing they don't tell you. How to turn your uvw into a .jpg. I can help you here. This idea actually came from Lord FBF. When in Gmax, and you have your unwrapped uvw ( a 2d image with lots of little white lines ) hit print screen. Now open up your image editing program and paste. crop off everything but the main square ( i don't know how else to describe it). If you apply just a color texture,the main square is that texture. Not everything is always in that texture, so you must move things around (again check polycount) Make your image, say 512x512. Jk2 cannot read oddsized images, and save it as a .jpg. Now paint your skin, and apply it in gmax until it looks good. Now refer back to the tutorial for getting it ingame.



1. Eyeball it. You know you've got it when it works ingame.

2. You can slice it in half if you want, i didn't, so i can't really expand on this, i guess it would just give you more room to work on your uv map. It isn't necessary by any means.


Death2jarjar (first of all, right on)

Please check Polycount's tutorials on modelling and uvw mapping. These are the most important steps in modelling and are not covered here. Once you are familiar with doing each of these, this tutorial will help you get your saber tagged and in game. If you already know these things, please state individual questions, as it's much easier for me to field them, instead of writing another tutorial (btw, the first one is pretty much it.)

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I would have already, but i don't know how to post pictures! I can email it to you if you want, Pictures, the Model, whatever.

Anyway, i was looking around and found another tutorial, this one is for milkshape. Check it out!http://jk2.furrycat.net/modelling/sabre.html

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Do did you have it layin flat in your modeling program? I scaled mine to the default saber to make sure it was correct. But i did notice if you move it up/down on the Z axis it does change the place where the hands go. Might be the same for X and Y axis.

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Make sure you follow every step of exporting. 1. Select w_saber, tag_flash and tag_parent, hit export selected. Export frames "w_saber tag_flash tag_parent".save as saber_w.md3. Open with md3view. Export as .glm. Pak it up. if you have done everything correctly, your problem may lie in the way you paked it up, there are other tutorials on making .pk3 files. if you can't find any info ask me and i'll tell you.

By the way, if it didn't show up in game, how is it making your saber shoot to the right? ( to solve this just reposition the tag.)

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You can just export frame 1 really.. I mean there is no animation.

Lets not make it anymore cofusing that it has to be. On another note from another thread... ppl are talkin about hilt sizes. We dont care what the real size is spose to be!!!! Make it fit both hands, and make sure the hands are not off the saber or merged in the hand mesh at all. The game uses TWO HANDS!!!!! So make it fit in two


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It does not show up because it has not been mapped. No textures have been applied and so the game displays nothing instead of a white, untextured model as you might expect. If you don't know what I'm talking about just take a model, delete one texture of the pk3 file and then choose it ingame :D


ah well posting images is not difficult... but if you have several pictures you may e-mail them to KingJezuzPie@gamesweb.com

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