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Tutorial: Saber Modelling for Poor Noobs


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Well, my pictures are up (yay!). Okay, let me explain them. The first one is my saber model wrapped in a scanned skin. This is my "photoreal" skin. In game, though, it looks like crap from normal distance, so i made a new skin, the second one. This is the skin as it shows in game, as in pics 3 and 4. Pic 5 is my actual saber hilt (made out of pvc pipe, galvanized steel pipe, and a few screws and a button: holds a dowel rod to smack things. Works good, smacks good, can take the "blade" out and wear on belt, and only cost +/- 20 bucks.) I don't see why you would, but if you want it, i can email the .pk3 to you so you can play around with it. Tell me what you think. If lots of people ask, i'll try to post it somewhere (again i don't know why they would, seeing as how they're all building their own sabers, right? RIGHT?)

p.s. thanks to madjai for fielding some questions. (it ain' hard to attain my level of expertise);)

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Master Shawn you have got a lot more work to do. It looks like you havent done anything with UVWmapping.

Ill give you an example in a minute of what its supposed to look like, thats the only way i explain it.

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hmm im gonna have to edit your model a little because right now it has 10000+ vertices, which is completely unnecessary.


edit: and its poly count is 21000+ which is making me lmao right now =)


heres a tip, when you make a cylinder, under its properties, it says "Height Segments", always make that 1.

edit2: Also, where it says "Cap Segments", make that 1 as well.


I think editing your saber will take too long, ill just recreate it exactly as it is.

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Well, i'm making another saber, this time it's mace windu's. But, just to show you what a moron i am, i've forgotten how to get the skin in game. I did everything i said, but it just doesn't show up. My only guess is that it was something i did by accident, or it seemed insiginificant, anyway, anyone know what it is? Madjai?

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I almost have everything filled in and I will be finished with this beta tonight, I will label where everything is and get to work on the texturing, will probably need a little help, but this is turning into a doable project(for once :D) Thnx for all your guys support, I really appreciate it! saber1.jpg



-[JO]Master Shawn Kenobi :aobi:

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I'm very new to this skinning thing. I do have 3ds max 4, but when I try to import the saber_w.glm, saber_w.md3 or saber_w_1.md3 it says "No appropriate import module found". I'm not sure what that means....Maybe I need to get a plugin???

Which I'm not sure where to get it :confused:


If someone could email me a detailed walk thru (mentioned above) to rugburnd@yahoo.com I would be forever in you dept........:ewok:

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I got mine textured, it doesnt look shiny crhome or anything like that but I dont give a crap because I got it textured!!! finis!.jpg after I got the textures on, I made the saber into a group called w_saber, didnt include the tags though(heard im not supposed to) SO, what do i do after this?

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