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1.03 patch


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I find this new patch to be VERY BAD. Not only has it weakened light side abilities, it now allows anyone on the dark side to own/pwn people.


Before, heal and absorb were the light side's only and best defence against force "spammers" (people that only use force powers; someone that will kill people only using lightning; mainly dark side users).


Next, although i somewhat appreciate the strenthining of Blue stance, the changing of lightsaber combat in MP IS PROBABLY THE WORST THING ABOUT MULTIPLAYER NOW. It was hard enough to land a normal hit using a lightsaber against another lightsaber user, but now that has been weakened. Instant kill moves have been added (back stab, yellow finisher, jump attack) which I find that some players are only using these moves.


(coming from http://www.jedi-outcast.com from paladyne) Raven listened to the players when making the 1.03 patch; the stupid and cheap ones. Have you noticed the weakening of all light side abilities while dark side abilities remained virtually untouched? Have you also notices that saber combat now takes no skill whatsoever?




Answer: the people who complaned to Raven were mostly DFA and ones that sucked at saber combat. Who else would ask for instant kill moves? Who else would say that Light side abilities had too much of an edge in 1.00 and 1.02? Taking away the defence of light side users allows dark side users to GET MORE KILLS AND WIN MORE OFTEN. Being someone that uses LFA, I though both force power types were dead even.


:swear: :swear: :swear: :swear:




Myself, I use Light side and my ratio of lightsaber K: D was 5:2 on average when I did use a lightsaber.

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Ok, I'm a light jedi and was alright at saber combat before 1.03, though nothing special.


I think heal has been weakened to much. But absorb has been improved. It is now the best power in the game. Dark side powers such as grip and drain have been weakened significantly.


Basically I feel the best thing to do with absorb would be to have it invisible until someone first uses force on the player, from which point on it is visible to all.


There is a problem with people overusing specials, that is why I suggested the specials be amde force dependent.

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I do not see it that way at all. First thing is Absorb did not get weakend they made it better. It did not need a boost it was good the way they had it. At least then the dark side jedi had a fighting chance against the ppl that had it on 24/7. And for heal being weakend is just plain silly. There is more than enough bacta or health packs to get your health back after a fight. If you need to heal that much during a fight then you need to practice more. The other powers on the lightside did not get changed. So lets recap: Absorb got a boost and heal got adjusted down. Seems to me that the light side did not lose a thing at all unless you play in a game that has no way to heal.

Now lets look at the darkside: Drain got adjusted down and I think it really needed too, but not if they were going to make absorb stronger. Next is grip and I can tell you that they totally ruined that power. Anyone with a brain can get out of grip now even if they are just using the keyboard to look around. There is so many ways to get out of grip: pull, push, absorb, drain.... but what did they do? They took the only thing a grip user had to let them use the power with any chance. They made you walk as slow as a snail. So unless your a total moron or don't have any force left grip is a joke. As for the other powers I never really used lightning unless they ran from me to get health...and I never use rage. The main power I used was grip and neutral powers. I would use drain only on the absorb ppl that had it on 24/7. So I think the dark side got hosed more in this patch than the light side. I am a dark side player but I have been playing light side and doing everything everyone else is because they nerfed the darkside so much. Absorb and pull... it is cheap move but thats what Raven left for us in this crap patch.

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Invisible absorb is sort of ok, because before 1.03 ppl using absorb were so "visible" that only n00bs tried to use force on them.. But what they shouldn't have done at all is reducing the force needed to maintain absorb..


Now you can have it virtually forever if there are enough ppl around.. someone will try to use an occasional push/pull/lightning and boost your force pool so you can keep on using it 15 secs more.. and over and over.. Absorb has become the god mode of JK2, and the dark side has been hosed in return IMHO :p

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I have seen too many people killing by FORCE POWERS ALONE. Dark Force abilities are mostly offensive, whereas Light Force abilities are mostly defence.


Besides, it takes all the fun out oof a game where you encounter players that ALWAYS, NOT SOMETIMES use lightning or grip or constantly push or pull people and always use instant kill moves.


Yes, Absorb has stayed the same, but with heal should have stayed the same...


My point being it that 1.00 and 1.02 were perfect. Raven only increased alt. fire on weapons because a select group of people (n00bs) were complaning about "wepon spamming". Apperently, those people didn't know how to push explosives or the alt. fire on the heavy repeater or they invested all their force powers into grip or lightning, but they complaned enough times to get Raven to listen.


"A patch is supposed to fix bugs, not change its stratagy"


Besides, when someone was gripping me in 1.00, al I ha to do was heal while being gripped and throw my lightsaber at the person. Now that heal has been weakened too much (lvl 3 on 1.00 was able to heal back to 100% with full energy), its harder to counter it when you have absorb on and it suddenly runs out in the middle of a fight.


BTW- if you challange a force "spammer" to a duel, unless if you are one yourself, you will win because they rely too much on the force.

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Well here's what I think and well won't matter anyways but bare with me.


1. Bring back the single tap kick. This way people can kick absorb user's off cliff's or just to death.


2. Make it so that Drain counters absorb. Drains there powers as fast as using Drain, Drains the darkside players.


This way most likely Both players will have depleated force powers. Making both players non force power players till they recharge. Why? IF this would happen both players could not use the force pull Backstab move's. Maybe this would get rid of this move some, Turning the game into a more skillful game again.


Not just running backwards in crowds of players trying to do a backstab.


A Good Kick to the Head would solve that problem on most of them with the easier single tap move also.



{XG} Snape

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"2. Make it so that Drain counters absorb. Drains there powers as fast as using Drain, Drains the darkside players. "


if your gonna do that you might as well remove force all together. that will stop people from "force spamming" :rolleyes:


drain already counters absorb, although i think drain should do less healing and be a little more mana efficient. like it used to be.. that way you can still have some force power left over if you successfully drain the mana of a light jedi..

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i have noticed after playing both light and dark, that good is pretty balanced with evil..


some of good's best skills


and to a lesser extent heal.


and darks best skills

dark rage

and drain



when i played both of them. those were my most often used skills.


Dark rage VS absorb


dark rage would get me out of death, but that is usually short lived, because your so close to death after using it. not to mention slowed down, and out of force.. so if you use dark rage on low health its like you get another chance at life, but you become very very weak after using it. and you cant use it for a long time after words. and it takes alot of force.


but not like absorb. it does negate physical damage like dark rage does.. but often times one pull or push means a fall to the death.. and often times with absorb, one comes out with more force power than you had. can be turned on and off at whim.




dark rage is excellent for offense.. makes you shoot alot faster, run faster, swing faster. and you cant be killed while using it.


absorb has little offensive use. it lets you play defensive at low force levels to raise your force and then you can use that force for offense.



CHANGES. i think dark rage should perhaps cost only 1/4th the bar instead of 1/2 like it takes now.. this would leave a dark jedi with some force, both left over, and to do battle with.





drain is an attack if used during the right time.. can keep anyone from using their force powers.. but drains nearly all of your force power in doing so. but it does allow you to heal yourself pretty well. so if you use it near the end of a battle you can gain more health and prevent others from healing.


heal is just a heal. it works ok..


drain and heal are balanced ok i think..

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First off I liked the old retail version of JK2 I had no gripes with it really, but I have adapted and relearned to fight with a saber with this new patch and am finding it somewhat decent. First off those "1 hit kill moves" are what really seperate the veterans from the nOObs. ANy veteran knows how to stay away from those moves and also knows how to counter them. I myself like the new patch, just as I liked the retail version.....like 2 different games. The only people I find whining about anything with the game are people who just plain..... suck, im sorry to say it but just play the game and learn from other people. I know of course Raven is gonna come out with ANOTHER patch that changes the entire game play yet again, people will find new "cheap" moves and people will yet again whine about them. You cried about DFA now your crying about backslash. Just quit your whining and just play the game.


If you wanna talk smack back it on the battlefield, you can find me on this server I.P. address so bring on the pain I dare ya ;)


I was a light Jedi pre patch and still am a light Jedi, and yes I was good in 1.02 and im even better in 1.03

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