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Raven, HERE is our list of what we want in a exp/ update.


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The other post about this topic, which was originally posted by neo6, was unfortunatly lead astray. That was partly my fault and so I'm trying to get it started all over again. This time, I won't get off the topic. The following is neo6's original text. Please reply with any comments or suggestions that you have about THIS topic.


Originally posted by neo6

I thought we could run a thread to post what we would most like to see in an Expansion pack and / or update. Maybe, Raven will listen and act on the posts that they can.


1. JEDI with flowing animated robes skin. The hooded jedi robes are awesome.


2. I also would ask for new single player missions! MP is fine, but I love SP.


3. If we have to be Kyle, at least have his outfit/ gear change with different missions. Same SP model throughout was lame.


4. A working double saber mod.


What would everyone else like to see Raven incorporate in an Expansion pack / or update?:lsduel:

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I've never had any technical problems with the game at all. As for the annoying backstab spammers or whatever, there is a strategy to kill anyone. All it takes is practice and learning to "read" your opponent and what moves they will use. The game is fine now.

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Some things I would like to see in the next update:


1. Saber combat style changed back to what it was in 1.02 (this includes toning down the auto-blocking).


2. Tone down the backstab damage just so it's not a friggin one hit kill.


3. Make running backwards anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 the speed of running forwards.


Pretty please Raven, I'll be your best friend :)

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Why does everyone want running backward to be toned down? Its fine the way it is. I just want saber elements from single play ported directly over to multi single player is perfect why was it changed in multiplayer? Why do they have to be different this isn't a console game that needs things altered in multiplayer its a PC game that has a lot more flexibility. Trust me play single player for 30 minutes then go to multiplayer and its still different.

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In the expansion (should it come out; and it beter) I would like to see akimbo lightsabers, dual bladed lightsabers, more dark jedi to fight (no reborns, sithspit and such), playing w/ Luke more (and damnit, he shouldnt be able to die, hes the most powerfull jedi there is!), mind control, where you control the victim, kicking in sp, a sp storyline of course, new costumes Kyle, individual saber hilts to choose in mp.

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I want some more force powers like bringing back force destruction. And mabey being able to use reflection and blocking lighting with your saber like in AOTC.


I think its funny how alot of people want saber fighting set back to 1.02 when before the patch there was so much whining about the fighting not being enough like single player.

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