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Bunker ZERO map released!


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Hello, all. I've just completed my second Jedi Knight 2 map called Bunker ZERO. I'm quite proud of this second effort because it's way more complex and pleasing to the eye than Bespin Void.


You can get it here at JediKnightii.net or JediOutcastMaps.com:








Have fun,... Jedi.


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It wasn't a self-promotion. I was a little upset that the people at the site do a lot of hard work to get things up promptly and yet receive no recognition for it. I'm assuming that Proxy sent the map out to both of the sites at the same time. If that is true, then why was this post not made a while ago when the site that I mentioned earlier had it out? I was just curious as to why he said it was at jkii.net and not the other site, which had it up a while ago.


Anyhow, That is definatly a great map. I thought that it was very well done. I was surprised to see that the windows opened up on the top. The bathroom was a nice touch. :D Everything seemed to be consistent and smooth. Very nicely done. I can tell you put a lot of effort into that map. :)

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Both jkii.net and jedioutcastmaps.com need to add the ability to post comments - I prefer massassi.net for this, but the # of submissions it receives are far less than the former two, so I'm forced to use them.

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Actually... Massassi seems to get alot of files.. they just can't keep up with the pace/influx of stuff ppl send in.


And I really can't recall the last time I've seen a map posted up here, least not noted on the main page.


I sent my first map to all 3 sites. JediOutcastmaps recieved mine 2 or 3 days later and had it up the next morning. Massassi took a couple weeks to put up mine due to backlog, and I don't think JediKnight2 has put mine up.


Course I'm pretty new to these 3 sites, but so far I've not actually recieved alot of welcome/feedback anytime I post anything on any of the projects I'm working on.


Personally I'd stick to summiting to the Outcast maps place and just reading the forums here. :)

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As was stated in another post, this map will probably fade into obscurity and never be played on the jk2 servers... So, I'm asking all of you who like my map to help promote it. I worked really hard on this map, and it would be nice if I could see it played on the servers once in a while. As I've said in another post. It's fusturating when you have all of these big name maps with all the attention (even when they're not done!). The high-profile maps and beta maps, are and probably will be great, but it's just fusturating.


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Hey Proxy,

Your map is very good no doubt about that. Upon receiving the map, The people at http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/ had already decided that it would be put into their next map pack that they do. It's just a very nicely done map. They'll let you know when they are doing the map pack so that you can help promote your map again, along with the map pack. gamesdomain said that they were going to put the one map pack from http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/ into their server rotation, but I'm not sure if they did yet. If that happens with any future map packs that they site makes, then you will see your map played on servers. It is a good map. I hope to see it being played on servers. :)

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The brushwork is really good, but the framerate absolutely sucks.


Way too many poly's being drawn.. I can run around alone in most maps at 60-70 fps, but in your map I stick right around 30 fps.


Should push a cushion brush around the zone where the pillars are too, players shouldn't be able to reach the skybox like that.

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Yeah, I'm kinda ashamed of the crappy frame-rates. If any of you know of good ways to optimize it, let me know. I heard of this one thing called r_speeds... maybe that can help me? Or maybe I'll release toned down version of it later - take out the terrain and trees, and put it in a city environment. But I'm not sure, the terrain and trees kinda made this map special.


What do you guys think? I can bust out a lower poly version pretty quickly. I can even post some screenies so that I don't totally sacrifice graphical goodness for FPS.


Oh, and Danny - that map pack thing sounds awesome. I can't wait.

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Xzzy, I just optimized the map by taking out the rolling terrain and all of the trees but kept the temple box and the bunker unchanged. I now get 40-50 FPS. I used to get down to 15 FPS, so it seems like your computer is faster than mine. You should be able to get 50-60 FPS with the new and improved Bunker ZERO. I'll add in some temple ruins so that the map doesn't look so sparse, but I won't over do it this time around ;)

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But what if I release a version called duel_bunker-ZLE? Ya know, light edition. Then there wouldn't be a conflict. Plus, you must admit it is really, really slow. My quick tests have already improved FPS rates by 20! I got onto a server to see my map and it was unbearable. There was major graphical lag. So I want to release a lighter edition for playability's sake.


About the lack of hand washing in the bathroom.... not only is the empire pure evil, they also have terrible hygine! :D



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