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Auto Taunt Question


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I have no idea that you could put in a players name, maybe they type fast? I know I've seen it where someone will send a message if you swing and don't hit them, every single time you miss..it's wierd.

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I think your asking if there is a "variable" that allows a message to automatically taunt your killer. I think there was one in Q3 but I'm not sure. I do know that there is a command for telltarget when youcrosshairs are on them it will send a message to just them. Otherwise you must ust the say command.

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dudes, there are ways to do it.. there are about 4 message modes in the Q3 engine.. one being the ordinary "speak to everyone" mode, the other one which only speaks to ur teammates, and the other 2, to ur attacker, or the one you just killed. try experimenting with these commands.


messagemode1 - ordinary chat

messagemode2 - team chat

messagemode3 - either attacker or victim

messagemode4 - either attacker or victim


just bind them to a key and hit them to type something.. i'm not sure which is which in messagemode3 and 4, so you gotta try it out.. =P as for having a variable that automatically adds the name of the player, i think there is too.. it was existent in Quake 2 if i'm not wrong.. it's %something.. gonna try to figure that out.. =P

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