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BackStab Pull BackSweep Moves


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I run a Server and people been kicking my Butt with this so called Push BackStab BackSweep move. Could some one explain how to do these moves or is their a Guide somewhere. I can't figure out the moves for the life of me. I know how to do the Backstab move but people are pulling me down and doing this 180 turn on me and wacking me to death. Every night their someone different doing it to me. I just want revenge on the people that do it to me.




Thanks in advance for any help



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To protect yourself, I'd highly recommend investing in Absord and/or Protection. Sure people will call you a puss for using these powers, but they're the ones trying to knock you down to kill you. IMO, that is lame. I don't care if you knock me down and hit me, just don't use the one-hit kill. Show some class/skill.

"if it's so easy", they say, "you do it back." A: I don't play like that cuz I think it's lame-o. B: It's obviously not too difficult cuz everyone and his grandama are playing this way. I've been on servers where all the saber users run around backwards...silliest thing.

I may have stumbled on a way to prevent some of the damage, but I have to do more research on it



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Use Absorb to counter their pull.


If pulled down, use Protect (if you are low on shields/health, Protect won't help), or Dark Rage. If you survive and jump up, make sure to double-tap your jump key if you are close to them (you should be) to do a quick flip kick for 20hp.


User Speed to keep moving around them, they need to target you to Pull you effectively.


Use Mindtrick to make yourself invisible to them (if they have Force Sight, even lvl1, it will neutralize your Mindtrick), remember that grabbing the flag or attacking turns Mindtrick off.


Keep your force pool as high as possible.

Face your opponent.


Keep Force Pull/Push at lvl3.


If you are on a server with guns, and you know they do that move, keep your distance and gun them down.


Oh, if you can avoid being pulled down and they start the backsweep, do the medium DFA (with target in front, jump+attack and forward) and you should do a strong downward sweep out of range of their attack.

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unless you have force absorb on, if you get pulled from close by you ALWAYS fall to the ground. so what you have to do is, roll towards them, and hit the pull button, look where they are lying, and do a backsweep move. Offource there is the backwards walking saberspamming ppl.. those are just pathetic.. grab a gun to finish em off :p if you don't have a gun walk around them while doing a red swing.. NEVER attack them from behind unless you've mastered the jumpkick.


As for defence from it, absorb, don't get to close, move fast, don't walk straight lines because your opponent needs to have their crosshair on you to do this right

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