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Why no sp stuff yet?


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Isnt anyone making some decent mods for the sp game? Im not even talking anything fancy, just some cool skin packs that replace the default models or something. Im not big on the multiplayer game and i perfer the tighter toe to toe saber combat in sp but everyone just want to make semi-usless skins and duel arenas for mp.

I want to be able to spawn a bunch of cool custom npc's and watch em battle each other and me, or help me out in sp levels cause there are alot of skins id like to replace. And then the npc.cfg file could be altered to suit the ai for whatever new skin is relacing the default.

Isnt anyone working on something like this? I dont think it would take long to throw a dozen or so custom skins\models together, get them to replace the default models of choice, and then edit a .cfg? id like to re-enact some famous movie\expanded battles and stuff.

I only ask because i cant get my own mods to work no matter how i try and im way more into the sp game, which only has the desann to vader mod right now:(

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Actually I was trying to do something similar to what you are suggesting. The problem is I dont want to replace the skins of in game npc's with new skins, I want to add new skins to the game. I have been working on getting this to work for the last couple days and have had little luck getting the characters to spawn correctly tho. I also have been looking around at how to edit bot personalities so that I can make them more real. Another thing i've been messing around with is adding custom sounds to npc's. Got lots of work to do.....


I agree though, it is cool walking around with a maul character as your sidekick. Even if he keeps making stupid JediTrainer comments every once in a while. If you want I can put together how I had the pk3 set up earlier so that it will just replace the jeditrainer with a maul skin, or any other skin you may want. All you'll have to do is spawn a jeditrainer to get him to follow you around. Post a reply and give me an email address if your interested.

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thanx for the offer, i think i might just take you up on it ;) It would be cool if you could quickly throw together a pack that had the boba fett model, and all the other best skins (like the han solo and darth maul deluxe skin) that overwrite all the secondary default models like rodian2 and rebel2, and maybe even tweek the npc.cfg a bit for them. If you have any really good skins in mind throw em in too! i dont care what is replaced really as long as its not rebel1, stormtrooper1 and stuff so i can have fodder to kill. i plan on using the desann/vadermod and i want to redo lots of historic battles and stuff so it would be good to replace the boring jedi and reborn with cooler jedi skins. For the project your doing sounds like abit of work but it will be very cool once yuor able to add skins to sp without overwriting. im looking forward to that :eek:

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you can make the new sp skins into a mod thats loadable from the setup/mods menu in JK2 and wont overwrite the existing sp skins unless you load it


i dont know about adding new npcs to the npcs.cfg file though i tried it and they were all messed up


ive just finished my sp mission where alot of the npcs are changed around so that u play as tavion and fight rebels and new lightside jedi plus some space pirates help you out at the end.


its pretty easy to do


also if i wanted darth maul in it i would switch the jeditrainer sound settings in the npcs.cfg with th shadowtroopers or someone elkse who doesnt make much noise



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thats all good and well except i cant even make the most simplest of mods and get them to work for some reason, so i have to rely on what other peope make for sp. so far there isnt much out there so....

anyways, i would replace a rebornfencer with the deluxe maul skin so the saber color would be the same and the sounds would kinda match. i would want all the skins to play on their proper sides too so maul would need to have villian AI.

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Nah, Jeditrainer is a much better bot then the Fencer. Its easy to get the saber color to change. I email ChangKahn about whether it was possible to even add npcs into SP, i've had no luck so far either. I'm waiting on a reply from him and if i dont get one or he says its not possible then i'll just have to replace in game characters and then edit their personality and other bot stuff. Would be a lot nicer if I could just add new npc's though. *sigh*

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yeah iv tried that mod, all it does is switch the default models with the corresponding default models on the opposite team. I want to replace the defaults with custom models, like the desann to vader mod.

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I made my own mod, which has the Emperors throne room and music... you play as luke with a green saber, and start of at the top of the stairs, where there is a immovable Emperor and Vader... who you fight along to the music at the end of Return of the Jedi.


It's not much of a mod... but eh... its a start

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does the emperor throw lightning at u when u beat vader?


i reckon it would be easy to switch dessan with the emporer then make him weaponless and he'll just do desaans force lightning


that'd rock



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Originally posted by patchx



does the emperor throw lightning at u when u beat vader?


i reckon it would be easy to switch dessan with the emporer then make him weaponless and he'll just do desaans force lightning


that'd rock




No, he just stands there (its a ****ty skin too)... It's not much of a mod... but its fun for the atmosphere of ROTJ.


Basically, I wouldn't consider it my mod at all... I just combined other peoples work into one level (you have to load the savegame to have it with vader etc) I'm not a real modder at all. I just did it for fun.



Now if someone would release a better version of this...... :D

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damn, i wanna try your mod Sub_Woofer, is it posted anywhere for download? Even if you dont think its a big deal those are the kinds of mods that will make sp much more enjoyable. you should make more of em if you have time ;) That way we can have something to do until the big projects get completed.

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