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Quake3 Radiant tutorials?


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where can i find the Q3 Radiant tutorials, or any good tutorial for that matter, i allready have the basics of map making down, now i need to know the rest . (the basics are: making a box, putting textures on the walls, adding a light source, and being able to play it. the most basic basics :) I need to know more. Either post here or e-me at IGF_Redvan@hotmail.com

thank you!

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read the freakin' sticky posts already.


The ones that say "*READ ME* Resources thread" you know, just in case the title wasn't obvious enough.


Or failing that go find a search engine and exercise your keyword fu.

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I'm specifically looking for the Quake3 Radiant Tutorial in a zip file so I can download it and print it and have it right in my hand rather than having to keep clicking between 2 things. I allready used google and found it, but not as a zip. Any body else have help? This time, if your not going to give me a link, don't bother posting. I've allready bookmarked all those sites.

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