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Compiling problem question


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First of all this is my first map I have ever made.


When I compile my map in Radjk2 I get this message at the end of the long list


WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader noshader


******* leaked *******





Same map Compiled in GTKRad I get this message


WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/evil5_trim/stepside_mtl4

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader noshader


******* leaked *******






Can anyone please tell me what they mean I'm not sure where to start looking for the problem.



Also I can't find a texture folder anywhere

where do I put new textures so they can be used in the map?

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Your map is too big.


Or to put it another way, there are too many brushes. It may also simply mean there's too many visible surfaces either in the map as a whole or in a certain area, I'm not an expert in sof2map errors.


> ******* leaked *******


You also have a leak somewhere. You been going crazy with the CSG subtracts?


> Also I can't find a texture folder anywhere


Create a directory called 'textures' in the 'base' directory where you have jk2 installed. Then create folders in that folder to classify your textures into groups.

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I have been using CSGSubtract but I wouldn't say I have been going crazy with it I have only made 7 subtractions with it


I take it it's not a good thing to use much?


I did however just make the bigest room in my map, it was fine before I made it I even remade it to try to stop the leak

so just the size of it can make it gack the whole map huh?


Do you know what the size limit is?


Thanks for the help

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Er, Xzzy is half right... first, there is no technical limit on brush numbers or map size... that's a bit misleading.


The actual limits are placed on number of surfaces visable at any one point. You see, the (modified) Q3A engine can only handle drawing a certain number of surfaces (131,072) or vertices (524288) in the map. So VIS (the part of the compile process that determines that sort of thing) detects that you have too many surfaces visible for the engine to handle and makes your compile fail. I'd say you probably have an evil brush somewhere with thousands upon thousands of surfaces and you just don't realize it. My advice would be to load up GTKRadiant and run Bob's Tools just to eliminate any such brushes. :)


There should be no way that 212 regular 3 to 9 sided brushes alone would crash a map. :)


As for CSG Subtract, I would say NEVER to use it except when creating empty hollowed out rooms as it's a small a time saver in that specific instance. Anywhere else, use the clip tool ("x") and vertex editor ("v") to shape brushes how you want them.


As for textures, if you want to see proper directory structure for textures, just look in the assets0.pk3 file. I would suggest making a base/textures/mapname/ folder for each map that you are working on and putting all the textures in those folders. After you create the folder, its menu option should automatically appear in the textures menu the next time you restart Radiant.

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Yeah, CSG subtract is evil - you shouldn't use it unless you know that you're only subtracting _exactly_ what you want. It's usually better to build whatever you're building with separate brushes.


And RichDiesal: don't forget the edge manipulation tool (e). :)


// Grudge

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