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Duel_Sandcrawler is finished!


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Betcha were wondering why I've been so quiet (ok, maybe not... :D)...


A few weeks ago someone posted map ideas, and I took the sandcrawler one. And ran with it.




















Take it easy on my server, tho. It's tender! :)


I've submitted the map to jediknightii and jedioutcast maps. We'll see what happens from here. When the map does become available, be sure to read the .txt file, as I wrote a short story in it for yall's enjoyment.


Next map is also going to be a site from the movies that no one is working on that I can tell. You'll have to wait n see!



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Hope yall like it even tho there isnt any bot support.


Volrathxp: I would love for you to share some insight with me on that. But later as I am exhausted and crashing out soon. :) Was up beta testing this last night til 4am CDT. Ugh.


But I'll ping you within the next couple days, ok?

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it's really quite easy to do, i went by the document over at jk2ed.jediknightii.net because it was by far the easiest tutorial on how to do it.... complicated to get at first yes, but they go over a couple commands you may or may not need. i have school in about an hour anyways, so of course, when you get ready and need the help, i'll help ya out fo sho. lataz!



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not bad, needs a sky, or a sunset with multiple tatooine suns, i think its 3?. and maybe make the sandcrawler itself bigger, with more rooms and a cockpit where the window is. liked the droid working on something in the inside, also the 3 sentry balls dont work... strange. but all in all, good. i like the textures on the sandcrawler especially. good job

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i do have one thing to add..... fire is fire. it should hurt you. make the fire at least do a little damage, maybe one or two per second as they pass through it. i still agree about the sky and the bot support as well, but all in all man... i really liked it. unlike some other duel maps i've downloaded your map actually made me want to play it. and i also agree, good texturing on the sandcrawler... is that supposed to be the Lars homestead or just some random house? Happy mapping!



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Thanks for the feedback!


To be honest, there was a sky in at one point, complete with stars and a mountainous background for the sides. But I couldnt light the textures up without revealing the "boxyness" of the map. I traded darkness for the lack of a "box" feel. It was the lighting that got me. I hammered on it for 4 hours and just gave up.


Tatooine has 2 suns according to popular lore.


The sentry balls indeed don't work. What do the jawas own that ever does? :)


The crawler is to scale as best as I could get it from a blueprint out of a book. I even had my tape measure out at one point, measuring and translating. There is a door that won't open near the interior front of the crawler (there is a jawa-sized lift you have to take) and I think I created a hallway behind it, too, but it busted my brush up too much so I did away with the idea. I created the exterior before I did the interior.


On fire: This has been a debatable point with me and my friends during the entire development process. I eventually felt that fire damage was unnecessary, due to the fact that there is a lot of it and I really dont feel like fires that small would do much to a *jedi* versus a normal sentient being. The sheer number of fires was also a factor. I didn't want to irritate the player by burning them at every step. Believe me, we kicked that discussion around for... oh.. I'd say at least 3 days.


This is not intended to be Lars' farm. The backstory is that the stormtroopers destroyed ALL of the crawlers in the vicinity of the pod touchdown point and jawas are clan-oriented. Therefore, this particular clan was killed off independant of the one we saw in EP 4. It just so happens they were parked at a farm at the time. I had intended to write that into the short story in the txt file but pulled it at the last minute to avoid unneeded length.


Again, thanks for the opinions and feedback.



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To be honest, there was a sky in at one point, complete with stars and a mountainous background for the sides. But I couldnt light the textures up without revealing the "boxyness" of the map. I traded darkness for the lack of a "box" feel. It was the lighting that got me. I hammered on it for 4 hours and just gave up.


THis is corrected in the sahder of your environment box. THis is a result of lightmap lighting, so somewhere in your shader, you have to add a function that would exclued your texture from being enlighted during the compile process.


Read the shader manual to get more information. ;)


Anyway, don't be ofended but I find that fire not making damage is... lame.


That's what would have been interesting : fighting inside walls of flames and kicking your oponent into them.


In fact, I'd suggest you to release two versions and let the community decide.

This si what Id do if I were you and hesitated so much.

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No offense taken, Ko'or. I'll bone up on the shader manual, too.


Releasing two maps, tho.... Could confuse a lot of ppl, so I'll err on the side of non-confusion for this one. We'll see what happens on the next.


Fire walls do sound yummy! :D

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