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update on cool new mod!


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I'm not sure how many people know about the Imperial vs. Rebels conversion, but this is what it did:

It, basically, swapped all the enemy team models with the rebel team models and vise versa. You are Desann, with Tavion your partner, etc....

Anyway, I have updated this mod.

What I have included in the newer version of this mod (v1.1 Imperial vs. Rebels conversion) is listed below:


1. A pk3 file that makes it so that the bryar pistol is swapped with the imperial pistol.

2. A pk3 file that switches the imperials with the rebels

3. A pk3 file that switches all the rodians, weequays, grans, and reelo with the mandalorian models. But, of course, the mandalorian models were made by Bloodriot and Absath (DUH!!!)

(NOTE: I did get their permission to use their models in this mod)

4. A pk3 file that switches the saber colors so that not only do reborns look like jedis, they have the same color lightsaber too!

5. A pk3 file that makes it so that you have Desann's saber (lightsaber sounds included)

6. A pk3 file that makes it so that the sounds are switched too(most of them, at least). (Sadly, I couldn't include the sounds in my submitted mod (not posted yet) because the sound file was too big to send with the rest of my mod. So the sound file has been submitted separately. (it is called sounds for imperial vs. rebels conversion v1.1).

I hope you all enjoy this mod when it's posted. Feel free to list suggestions and comments on (or for) this mod.


HaPpY gAmInG!



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