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Here's how to add an inverted cylinder (tunnel).


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1 - First create a room.

2 - Create a brush inside it.

3 - Select "cylinder" from the "curves" menu.

4 - Now, select "Invert" from "Matrix" submenu which is in the "curves" menu. You did it!

5 - Now, to make it look cool, select the "lightshaft" texture from the "nar_hideout" folder.

6 - Then, press the S button on your keyboard to bring up the surface inspertor.

7 - Then press the "Fix" button.

8 - Now close the surface inspector and add a light.

9 - Now, add an "info player_start" entity inside the tunnel.

10 - Save the map as something like "tunnel".

11 - Now for the beautiful part. Select "FullVis" from the "BSP" menu.

12 - Once the DOS window disappears, close the editor.

13 - Start JO in what ever mode you made the tunnel for (Single player or Multiplayer).

14 - Now bring down the console with Shift - `.

15 - Then type in "devmap tunnel".

16 - Wait impatiently.

17 - Walk around.

18 - Savor the moment.

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