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Shield Tactics

Guest Tie Guy

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Guest Droideka
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

I think you overestimate the potential power of shields... with sufficient firepower, someone can actually destroy a shield while the power generator is still active..

and simply putting troops inside the shield (remember EP 1?) is an effective way to stop it as well...

it's not that solid a defence in my opinion..

thats true but the shield was for the gungans who arent exactally the most advanced civ, but then there was also the rebel shield on hoth that lasted about 5 minutes

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Droideka the rebels on Hoth didn’t have full planetary shielding (shielding that covered the whole planet) they also didn’t have Full particle shielding, which allowed ATATs to be dropped, and a ground assault was started


And a quick question so are shield just health/armor modifiers? I.e. just increase health and/or armor of a unit or can they be used as a mobile wall? I.e. you can put them up and people can’t come into the protected area of the shielding then you can build up under the shielding uninterrupted until the shields come down?

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