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2 New Lightsaber Styles


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I was thinking a lot about this last night, how to incorperate the duel sided lightsaber (the one Darth Maul uses) and using two seperate lightsabers. Here's my ideas:


Using Two Seperate Lightsabers: First you must have your lightsaber out. Then if you kill an enemy you can take his lightsaber (or pull it out from him) or if your ally gives you one. How an ally could give you one is either them dieing from a foe and you picking it up or they drop their lightsaber (something like a drop weapon command would be needed) and you pull it to you or just run over and pick it up. Now, when going through the stances, you have your regular blue stance, has one lightsaber, your yellow stance, has one lightsaber, your read stance, has one lightsaber, and now you have a green stance (or whatever color) which will take out your second lightsaber when you select it. As for the longevity of using a second lightsaber, it is infinite, but when someone dies, the same rules apply as before, the lightsaber will disapeer along with the corpse. Now if you were to drop yours on purpose, it would stay until you die.


Using the Duel Bladed Lightsaber: First you must have two lightsabers out and in the green or purple or whatever color stance. Then, in the level is around 5 connectors that you must pick up. These connectors will hook together your two existing ones to make one duel bladed lightsaber. Now when switching to or from the duel bladed stance, it takes more time as you must screw or unscrew the connector.


Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?

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