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Patchy textures and Shiney textures


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2 Questions b4 sleep. Could the mapping fairy come and answer them in the night?


1. Where ever brushes join I get diffrences in light and shade, as quite a few of the walls in my level are made up of more then one brush, the whole thing looks all.... patchy.


All the textures match up, the brushes are on the same plane (in the wall), the non-visible faces are chalked and I'm using texture lighting not entity lights.


I remember reading somewhere that there is a fuller compile than fullvis, is my memory bust? Will it help?


2. I want a shiny metal deck on top of my level, hopefully giving a partial reflection of the stars above. Here is the shader I'm using:




qer_editorimage textures/j_tex/darkgrey


map textures/j_tex/space

tcGen environment

rgbGen identity



map textures/j_tex/darkgrey


rgbGen identity



map $lightmap


rgbGen identity




textures/j_tex/darkgrey is the base texture and textures/j_tex/space is the reflection. All I get in game is the base texture.


Where did I go wrong?


All help will be greatly appreciated.

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1. Where ever brushes join I get diffrences in light and shade, as quite a few of the walls in my level are made up of more then one brush, the whole thing looks all.... patchy.


Here's a screen shot of what I mean:




Changing textures seems to help, the less colorful the texture is the less bad the problem is. Is there anything else I can do?

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Tried fullvis (extra) and took a screen of the same spot .... EXACTLY the same.


However this is a test map VERY small, less that 100k and I read in sticky this can cause bugs. So I'll compile my big map (same problems) using Fullvis (extra) next time and see if I get any better results.


Unless you have another idea?

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Originally posted by Machine_IX

However this is a test map VERY small, less that 100k and I read in sticky this can cause bugs.


Someone said it can give you an error while compiling but since you've got no error I don't think this is it. If this is the only area affected, it may be evil poly. :D

In this case it's better to create a brush around this whole area, select inside and delete the whole thing. Then rebuild it.


Btw, did you use CSGSubtruct anywhere near that area?

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If this is the only area affected, it may be evil poly. Btw, did you use CSGSubtruct anywhere near that area?


Naa I dont think so. It was a test. I just made a room, used the clipper a few times horazontaly and verticly, chalked all unseen faces, lit and compiled it.


In this case it's better to create a brush around this whole area, select inside and delete the whole thing. Then rebuild it.


Ill do my best but... looky here














[edit] think straighter lines :p [/edit]

3 brushes (1. 2. & 3.) and a window (4.) You can't do much rebuilding with that... and I'm getting the same kind of patchyness where 1. and 3. and 2. and 3. meet.


JK2 compiling tends to do that to some brushes, don't know why.


That is very VERY bad. Only in GTK or in JK2 too? If all else fails I'll try coving it up with borders and changes in texture, but with some places it will be impossible (Most of the walls on the interior of my map Coruscant_platform have this problem)


Could a shader help? Vertex lighting? (Can you say "shot in the dark?") or something errr.




And if anymore 1337 mappers stroll though, about those shiney textures....

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Hmm, I am puzzled. I don't think this is compile issue. More like a MP bug.

Ok, I don't have the same effect as you, Machine, but the lighting definetely is wrong. In SP everything seems to be alright. In MP I get weird effects. For instance, I place 5 lights like this:






and the floor below them is like totally dark. As to what might be causing it, I am clueless.


Machine, try loading this map in SP. See if you get the same weirdness.


Also, try following:


select a ligth entity and enter in the entity window:


key: spawnflags

value: 2

(or perhaps if you have SP entities loaded, just click on "noincidence"). Recompile and see if that makes any difference.

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