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Raven, release SDK before it s too late


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Well i won t say i m happy with 1.03 .....

I mainly play on 1.02 servers cause i enjoy it

But i enjoy it less cause skilled players seems to all vanish there ( mainly cause ladders are 1.03 )

I also see a lot of skilled players when i play 1.03 which complain about this game being boring now


So Raven since u don t seem to care much about doing a 1.04 patch ( wich i understand from a dev point of view .....after all u won t be paid for it ), RELEASE the Jedi Outcast SDK so we can make the game WE want


We have not paid for seeing this game vanish into oblivion cause of a patch wich was obviously not tested extensively

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Originally posted by Orangina_Rouge

Well i won t say i m happy with 1.03 .....

I mainly play on 1.02 servers cause i enjoy it

But i enjoy it less cause skilled players seems to all vanish there ( mainly cause ladders are 1.03 )

I also see a lot of skilled players when i play 1.03 which complain about this game being boring now


I also see a lot of skilled players when I play 1.03 say the patch is better than 1.02. Get over it. So many of you have this idea in your head that if you like 1.03, you must be a n00b.


So Raven since u don t seem to care much about doing a 1.04 patch ( wich i understand from a dev point of view .....after all u won t be paid for it ), RELEASE the Jedi Outcast SDK so we can make the game WE want


Would you be excited to do another patch if you knew a bunch of whiney a$$ lamers will bitch about every little thing that they don't agree with, even if it is what the majority asked for??


We have not paid for seeing this game vanish into oblivion cause of a patch wich was obviously not tested extensively


No, you paid for the game that was in the box. A patch came out that changed the game, but you did not have to apply it. You could still have the game you paid for, but you chose not to. Your problem is that you want everyone to agree with your thinking on how the game should be. They don't, so go find others with your way of thinking and setup 1.02 servers, play them, and quit bitching.

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I agree. Where is our SDK.


Developers always SUCK at making decent multiplayer games.

I mean come on, flak cannon? I'm so sick of playing this DM butchered version of jedi, let the people who know how to always make decent multiplayer mods make them.

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Vader, that was quite harsh what you said there...but you must understand why we *1.02* lovers are complaining.


You guys *1.03* lovers, complained during 1.02, and got what you wanted. Now we are upset, so shouldn't we have the right to complain about 1.03, to have it changed back slightly in our favor? I believe we do. We are learning off you guys, if you complain, you get what you want. So we're complaining LOL.

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