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Which are u light or dark or bit of both.

darth dragon

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I have read through many threads and people have said about their brilliant online fights but what i wonder is which side are they.I AM TOTALY ADDICTED TO THE DARKSIDE I ONLY HAVE dARSIDE POWERS ( APART FROM JUMP.) If you do follow the darkside or have a bit of both plz join my clan if not just say u are light so i can find how many light and darks there are.

If you want to join my clan look in the recruiting area and look for the darkbrotherhood.

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right now i am neither. I am using no force powers whatsoever, except jump and the saber ones, to try and perfect my lightsaber skills, and since i started playing that way my lightsaber skills have improved dramatically. Once i cannot improve any further, I will return to the light side of the force.

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