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Linksys Router


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I am in the same boat you are in buddy. I have been trying to figure this thing out forever. And i think i have a solution. I will be setting it up tonight. Your DHCP has been enabled. Which means people get disconnected every so often right? I hate that. Well, you need to go and disable it. Do this:


The router can be set up to be used as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server on your network. A DHCP server hands out available IP addresses to each computer on your network automatically. If you choose to enable the DHCP server option, you must configure all of the PCs on your LAN to connect to a DHCP server. Talk to your network administrator or consult your operating system's documentation to learn how to do this.


If the router's DHCP server function is disabled, you have to carefully configure the IP address, Mask, and DNS settings of every computer on your network. Be careful not to assign the same IP Address to different computers.


Make any changes to the available fields as described below.


Enable/Disable DHCP Server Check the Enable option to enable the DHCP server option of the router. If you already have a DHCP server on your network, set the router's DHCP option to Disable.

Starting IP Address Enter a numerical value for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses.

No. of DHCP users Enter the maximum number of computers that you want the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to.

DHCP Client Table Click on the Client Table button to show the current DHCP Client information. You will see the related information (MAC Address, computer name, IP Address) of all network clients using the DHCP server.


If you have made any changes, click Apply to save the data.

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On my linksys all I do is run the computer in DMZ mode. No problems then. Of course it will leave ports open, but if you are only running the server off and on it is the easiest solution. I have never had any problems with it.

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For a Linksys Router, go to


Then go to the advanced TAB. Click Forwarding. Then add the port... 28070 and put the last number of your IP, in the box.. It should looke something like this..


[ 28070 ] ~ [ 28070 ] BOTH


or something like that, that is what I remember from the top of my head.

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I tried this for weeks and finnaly decided to take MatrixCPA's advice and I got Jedi runner. The port forwardig was the easy part. turns out my server.cfg was what was screwing me up. Jedirunner fixed all that, so thats the key for my router problem.


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Yeah, jedi runner worked for me too! The only thing is my game will freeze up when i play and i have to hard reboot. I've been searching all over forums but can't get any info....i have linksys router and have 28070-28075 ports. I've tried everthing! My dad is comp. programmer and can't figure it out either....day 3....

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