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Essay On Backstab/sweeps along with suggestions


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Good post Areoch. I will have to agree with you in most places as i think that the saber aspect of JKII is just getting plain ridiculous. The other day i played on a public Saber Only server with Force level Jedi Master, and i saw one person climb to 60+ kills while everyone else was struggling to get 8. I wont say that this person was skilless, but he/she did the same moves over and over. I even quit playing so i could observe and i saw what it takes to win nowadays... What i saw was kinda sad and all it was, was:

Pull+sweep/dfa/hack lunge/backstab




Hack + Lunge (in light)



If saber combat has degenerated into these 6 moves, then what is this game coming to? I mean honestly everyone likes to win and I wont say that this person had no skill because as i observed him/her i noticed that he changed stances alot and varied up the moves, but in the end it still came to one of those 6 moves. I mean at least this person wasnt an assfighter(only God knows how many kills he/she would have gotten then...) but even so it's just this kind of thing that makes this game less diverse.


Also in playing with guns enabled, sadly guns seem to have the upper hand now and unless you pull/backstab or something then you will almost always get blown to bits. I think that maybe Raven did a bit too much tweaking thereby making the game even more unbalanced.


I agree with virtually everything that Areoch said to enhance the gameplay and i would like to see the Saber damage increased DRAMATICALLY. Heavy somewhere around 100 per hit, Medium around 75, and Light around 50. Then they could make it so that all saber styles are default and when you place the first point you gain access to the saber, then as you put more points in you damage increases. Also i would like to see the huge damage of backswings and backstabs removed so that they just deal maybe 100 damage everytime and can only hit once. The block suggestion is a good idea but maybe i could add that as you put more points in saber defense your blocking radius increases by a margin of 5 degrees. the initial blocking radius when you have 0 points would be 0, at 1 point it increases to 90, 2 points 95, and 3 points 100. also your chance to block projectiles would increase as well from 0 to 70 then 85 then 100 or something like that. that way you would know exactly what additional points in saber attack and defense did and you would have more incentive to put more points in each.


I also think that they should move forces back to the way they were in .02 or maybe adhere to Artifex's suggestions on his site. As things stand now, absorb is almost godly and drain and grip are almost worthless. In anycase those are my opinions post back if you think i missed anything or what not.

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Good post Areoch. I for one would like the 1 hit kills to be more balanced. Even with the patch, there are still some DFA nerfers on the web. I usually counter these with high success, but there are times when the saber is in the ground and I get killed by walking into it!? I absolutely despise the pull+backstab combo. The only skill is knowing the one combo and using to death. For me, it ruins the authenticity of saber duelling. Knowing when to strike and counter takes more skill and planning than nerfing the 1 hit kill combos. I do sometimes use the backsweep in CTF. It's very effective when the teams are unbalanced and you have 3+ campers at the flag trying to wail on you. Otherwise, I use medieval tactics; pick your target and anticipate his/her next move.

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Thanks for the replies Aoshi and Replikant! I am glad to hear your responses on this sort of thing.

I for one actually would prefer lowered blocking over increased damage mainly because if you up'd the damage back to 1.02 levels then people would start heavy whoring again which makes duels last longer than they do now :p.


Perhaps take the gradient off light and medium but keep it on heavy that way heavy is still a killer if you time it right?

so it would be something like 30 always in light, 50-60 damage always in medium. 50 in the begining/end of heavy, 100 in the apex of the swing. I am just tossing out numbers here and haven't given them much thought. This along with reduced blocking arc would give the impression of more damage without increasing the damage itself (I think all swings do 1.02 damage at the apex of swing).


Hmm DFA the once loathed move back in a spammers hands? That sucks because I was getting used to using it on people who run at me backwards or run away ;). The idle saber is still with the saber in DFA so don't assume that because its in the ground it won't do full damage when it comes up. You can easily get a hit on a DFA person if you dodge them and get at their sides/back (careful when attacking from back though they might try a backsweep!)

Mid air lunge is a bug as it stops you from taking falling damage and there are some who can even float doing this move.

Kick is not horrible unless they spam it in which case you have to continuously strafe their frog jumping and use a downward chop (or ironically a light lunge)


And Replikant I agree its not so bad in CTF (gun ctf) hell I expect it to be like that as its so fast paced. But in duels it plainly sucks out the fun when your opponent just flat out spams.

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