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Need serious help on saber model..


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I finished my model, but i'm having trouble getting it skinned & put ingame.. I need someone who knows what they're doing to finish it up for me.




1) I have no idea how to UVW Map.

2) When I try to open the .glm model in ModView, I get the following error: R_LoadMDXM: saber.glm has more than 1000 verts on a surface (1709). I also get a similar error when I try to put the model ingame.


I need someone to help me out with those two problems. You'd get full credit for any work done.


Thanks in advance,



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Well...I dont know if I can be of any service to you as far as getting it into the game, I need help with it too. If you know the prcocedure of how it is done. Tell me! But as far as mapping goes. I dont know what software you are using. I use 3dstudio max. If you dont have it get it, or get gmax. Its a simpler version of 3d studio that is totally free and made 4 making game models. can be founf on http://www.discreet.com

when you make your mode all u have to do there is place in a modifier called UVW modifier. The u simply put on the map or skin or whatever...easy. Here is a mode I want to implement myself!



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your problem, as the game and modview both state, is that you have to many vertices on a single surface, break your weapon down in the 3d program, and name it something like w_saber, and the other part w_saber2 and then export...and make sure no single part has over 1000 verts or 1000 polys i believe


uvmapping can be simple to complex...and in any case, difficult to explain

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