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Throne Room - WIP


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Here are some screens from my Throne Room duel/FFA map I've been hard at work on. Please keep in mind that I still have a bit of detail work to do like the lighting, the throne, microphone, and the texturing.


I'm just about finished with the window (may not look like it but that alone took me about 2 days), so all I have to do is clone it the necesary ammount of times and position them accordingly.:) Most of the map is finished though.


I hope to have this thing done within the week, possibly this weekend. This is my first attempt at editing and I chose to do this level because the Throne Room in the JK2 map Deathstar was just downright sad IMO. NWO/Deadlock's Throne Room level is a fun level to play, but I'm afraid it's not very accurate to the movie.:(


So I'm shooting to make this level as accurate to the film as I possibly can, and so far I think it's turning out quite nicely.:D

I'd really like to know what you guys thinks of it so far and all comments and /or suggestions are encouraged.:) I'll have some more pics up when I get some more detail into it.


Also sorry about the mini pics, I've never uploaded pics before, so if anyone knows a better way to put up pics (prefferably full-size), let me know so I can show you guys some real pics.




EDIT: I just figured out how to view those pics full size. Right-click the thumbnail, save as a .bmp, rename the file with a .bmp extension, and you should be able to view them.:)

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Looks nice. I have a few suggestions though.


It looks like the blue light in the first and fourth shots has no source. It's just magically there, which looks kinda strange. Make a light fixture in the ceiling or something like that, to make it look like it comes from somewhere.


The texturing on the walkway hanging down from the ceiling in the second, third and fifth shot looks a bit strange. Try to find a trim texture and add that to the edges - it looks strange when the same texture wraps around the entire walkway. Maybe you could use a see-through grate texture for the walkway? (Isn't that what it's like in ROTJ?)


In the second shot there are also three rounded boxes to the right that seem to be suspended in mid-air. Looks strange.


Otherwise it's very nice.


// Grudge

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looks kewl dood


you should make a small sp scenario mission with vader and the emperor in it


i'd help make the mods to turn desann into a weaponless lightning hurling emperor if u want and tavion into a slow walking big hitting vader


youd have to get permission off the skin artisits who made them but it would rock




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Dunno how far along you are with this, but I'd love to see an accurate throne room! What are you using as source material? One of the best things to check out (beside the film, of course) is the great mesh at SciFi3D. They've done a throne room pretty much bang on proportions and texturing, and caught the little details most people miss when they've done a version of this area; like the second little set of stairs on the way to the throne, the wrap around-walkway, little stuff like that.

In any event, looking good, can't wait for a release!

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Grudge, most of those are temporary light sources and textures, trust me it will look a lot better when I get to it.:) And as for those floating boxes, ignore them, they won't be there when it's released.


fabrikashon, I DID use .jpeg, but for some reason when I tried to "save as", it only allowed me to save it as a .bmp. or .art, it may be different for others. And thank you for the suggestions of sites to put pics on.:)


Patch, I was planning on making a mini SP version of Luke vs. Vader, but I may hold off on that until someone makes a good emperor model, but I'll keep you informed.:)


Skellington, I found myself rewinding the throne room scene from RotJ over and over again, and I also used the 3D mesh at SciFi3D. I haven't found an area of the throne room that is out of view, so hopefully this map should be as accurate as it can possibly be in the end.


I realize that some things may look odd in those screens, but rest assured I plan to make due.:)

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Well, I'm in the final stages of my duel map, but I have a few things I would like your guys' input on.


First, is there any way to make the catwalk fall after breaking a support or 2 like in the movie. Can it even be done, and if so, how many of you would want me to make it? I'd really like some opinions on this.


The next subject is in regards to the microphone that is above the throne. I can put it there, but it would sort of be in the way IMO since the platform that it is above is the main dueling area. So I would like to know how many would like the mic for accuracy, and how many think I should just ignore it for gameplay reasons? Maybe we can just pretend the mic is retractable or something.:)


I've been very busy lately, and it takes awhile to upload pics on my crappy 56k, but I'll definately get some pics for you guys sometime tomorrow, and I'm fairly confident I'll have this thing done within a few days.:)

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make the support strut a func_breakable that targets the platform which u should make a func_train so that when its destroyed it sends a message to the func_train (platform) to start moving


make the platforms path corners go straight down with the bottom one pointing towards a 45 degree angle and the first one have a facing flag selected so the platform rotates slightly as it falls and looks more realistic then just dropping straight down.


you could set up small explosions at the bottom of it when it drops by targetting them with the last path_corner but i cant remember if that happens in the movie or not



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Thanks patchx.:) But, once again, I just don't understand what to do.:( I've tried to look for a tutorial for something like this but came up with nothing.


Would you be able to go into more detail on how to go about doing this? It sounds like it would work nice, but I know nothing about func_train and targeting.:(

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Well, it will be breakable if someone can tell me exactly how to do it. I simply haven't a clue and don't really have a way of finding out except from one of our forum goers.


No comments on the microphone? :confused: I guess if no one cares I might as well just leave it out.

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make the catwalkusing however brushes you need to


then select all of them and right click and select fun_train

then make 2 path_corners the 1st will be where the catwalk starts from when triggerde (spawns) and the 2nd will be its final destination


target the catwalk (func_train) at the 1st path_corner and target the 1st path corner at the 2nd path corner


you can change speed and everything in the func_trains entity menu


the facing flag that is selectable in the path_corners entity menu will make the func_train rotate towards the next path corner so you can use it to make it rotate on it axis slightly as it falls


make the strut and make it a func_breakable then target it at the func_train (catwalk) so that when it breaks it send a message for the catwalk to start on to its first path corner


you can make a target speaker with the same targetname as the catwalk and assign a suitable screeching catwalk falling noise to it so it plays when the catwalk starts moving


to target something make a target key in the entity menu of the thing you want to shoot off the message (breakable strut) to the targetee and make a targetname key in th entity menu of the thing you want to recieve the message (falling catwalk and target speaker) and give them bothe same value

(target catwalk, targetname catwalk)



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I consider myself to be intelligent, but after trying this, it just doesn't make any sense.


I appreciate the help patchx, but I'm EXTREMELY new to editing and I just can't comprehend much until it is explained. Then once I know it, it's a piece of cake.


Could you or someone PLEASE explain this procedure to me as if I was in first grade? Sorry to be such a pain in the rear.:( If not I'm just gonna say screw it cause it's starting to get me a little agitated.

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Well, personally, I love it when areas are as close as possible to what they're based on, so I'd say throw in the mikes. You could have them destroyable with a lightsaber swing, much like the railing in the throneroom duel map released recently was. That way, it looks right, and you can just hack the things out of your way if neccessary.

Really hope you can figure out the catwalk collapse, that would be so damn cool it's not even funny.

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Good idea Skellington, I'll give it a try.


Also, I think I figured out the func_train and targeting. I did what you said patchx, but I can't figure something out. Exactly where do I put the first and second path_corners? I tried making the first path in the middle right below the catwalk, and the second one a bit futher down, targeted them correctly, but when I break the strut, the catwalk does this weird "quick-down-up" motion and doesn't even end up where I placed the 2nd path. Any suggestions?


Finally, I wanna try to make the catwalk tilt rather than fall just like in the movie. I know I want to find out how to just make it fall straight down, but would it be possible to have just one end of the catwalk fall while the other is stationary?


I'm inching my way there...:)

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you put the first pathcorner where you want the catwalk to exist in its unbroken state

did u target the 1st path corner to the 2nd properly?


also to make the catwalk fall only at one end put the origin brush of the func_train right at the end of the catwalk you want to fall


remember that the functrain centre will be the origin brush when its moving so put the path_corners where the origin brush will be when it moves (at the end of the catwalk and right below it in it s final resting place)


make sure the func_train has the start off flag selected


i cant be sure whats going wrong withoiut a better explanation so these r just guesses at what the problem could be



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Okay, thanks for your help once again patch.:D


When you say put the first path corner where the catwalk will be, do you mean in the middle of it, or right above or below it? When I tried putting the path_corner in the middle of the catwalk, the catwalk doesnt appear in game.


Also do I have to do something special with the arrows coming out of the path_corners, or is targeting them enough?

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I finally had some free time to upload some more pics.:)


I know that throne is kind of cheesy but it's basically just a quick stand in I threw together, expect it to look better in the final version. I'm basically done with most of the architecture and texturing, now I have to work on the throne, the breakable microphone, a little more detail to the windows, the falling catwalk (if I can ever get it right), and most importantly the lighting. The lighting in my screens may look out of place, but those are just temporary lights and I haven't even started on the real lighting.


I really want to try and make the catwalk fall like in the movie, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'd be willing to send someone the section of my map with the catwalk and the stairs underneath if they would be willing to try and make it fall like in the movie, and I would include you in the credits of course.:) If not, I'm afraid I'm just gonna leave it out because this level is starting to take up too much of my time, something I have very little of these days. Patchx, since you seem to know what you are talking about with this, what do you say, wanna give it a try? Alternatively, if someone would send me an example of how to make the catwalk fall like in the movies, maybe I can go from there. :)


Anyway, here you go, hope you like them!:D













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Looks GREAT! You've nailed almost everything, I think...really really looking forward to this map! The only thing I might mention, and it's probably too late to do anything about it now anyways, is that the catwalk isn't QUITE perfect. The struts holding it up are more of a triangle frame shape that wrap all the way around it. Hard to describe what I mean...and I think the catwalk itself might be a little to thick, but I'm not positive. Finally, you might want to scale the metal grill texture for it down a little, again, not positive, but I think the slots might look a little big right now. But looking very very nice as I said! Finally, a REAL throne room!!!

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Never too late Skellington.:)


I'll try and find some more reference for what you are saying about the triangular shape and see what I can come up with. I was actually gonna adjust the catwalk a bit anyways because I'm still trying to figure out how to make the catwalk fall. It seems in RotJ that the catwalk is a bit transparent too so I'm looking for a nice grate texture. I'm having trouble finding one that is sufficient though:(.


Anyone know where I can find some good grate textures? I would make my own, but I don't have the know-how.


Thanks for the feedback.:D

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how big is it?


if its under 1 mb u can send it to p_atch@homail.com


but i wont be able to look at it for a couple of days cause im actually out of town and not near my puter for about 2 days


also i think i was woring when i said how to makw one enf of the platform fall and not the other


i think the easiest way to do it would be to make it a func rotate with a very limited rotate time (just enought to get one end touching the ground) and the origin brush at the other end of it


the easiest way to get it work woul dbe with a script controlling the func_rotate which i caould knock up for you


or you could make a target_deactivate that stops the func_rotate after just a few seconds by giving it the same targetname and target key values as the func_rotate (catwalk) and a delay key of a few seconds (u would have to fine tune it so that it stops the catwalk at the exact right time)


but i only work in sp so i dont know if func_rotate is even available in mp


is it?



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