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Weird Multi-player problem


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I was playing JK2 on multiplayer and having a great time getting my butt kicked even as I was kicking butt. The host lost their connection, so I tried joining another game. Couldn't do it because they were patched and I wasn't. Fine I says, so I get the patch and install it. Here's the problem:


Now, after installing that patch, I can't see *ANY* servers. Not a single thing has changed with my system, we're talking a 5 minute process of downloading and patching the game.


Not behind a firewall, not having any connection problems with my system...it just doesn't work.


I'm running an AMD Athlon XP 1800+, 512Mb ram, adequate video card, Windows XP home with all updated drivers/patches, no proxy, no home lan just a direct shoot from my machine to the cable modem.


Anyone have any ideas on whats going on? Is this a problem with the patch that other people are experiencing?



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