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Galactic Empire Campaign


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I've reached the Battle of Hoth scenario in the Empire Campaign. I got to the point where all that remained was Veers, Vader, two AT-AT walkers, and a couple of other guys or more. I eliminated all but Echo Base, and I would like to know what the strategy is for defeating that scenario, because I have too few men to destroy the rest of the Rebels. What should I do to ensure a victory in that scenario?

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I usually get to Echo base with pretty much everybody intact. If you're not doing so already, stick your troops in your AT-ATs to keep them safe; you really shouldn't need them for the first part. Use Veer's regeneration to the utmost; keep him in the lead and pull him back when he needs to regen. I usually use my smaller mechs as close quarter support for my AT-ATs, so mounted troopers and the like can't get too close. Another good tip, if you don't mind micromanagement, is to limit how many AT-ATs are firing. Use a couple headed by Veers to take out towers, etc and keep a couple in reserve to fire on mass groups of people. That way you won't have every AT-AT stuck in recharge mode when you really need them to blast hordes of troopers/mechs. Keep in your AT-ATs when you're not using them, and simply pop them out when you're facing speeders.


As far as as advancing is concerned, you might want to keep to the edge of the main path (usually to the south). This will allow you to pick off the individual unit-producing buildings early and prevent you from getting hit at both sides...



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