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Effective counters?

Colonel Fury

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I usually play with darkside force powers and I am constantly falling prey to the pull/backstab combo. I was wondering if there are anyways to get up from being pulled down to avoid the backstab/slash. I have tried rolling, back-flipping and double tapping the jump key, all with little to no success. I would rather not be forced to go lightside and absorb. Any help would be appreciated.

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The increased defense of dark rage does help but it won't save you all the time and it usually takes off enough damage leaving you dead to a saber throw or kick to the face.


I have success with kicking them out of the combo (when they go into a force pull go into a jump/kick- if you time it right they might be the ones on the floor).- learn kick it is invaluable.


Switching into heavy stance and using DFA when you are force pulled also works- force pull/backstab spammers have pulled me while in the DFA animation right into them.


My suggestion?


The best defense is a good offense- force pull and backstab them first.

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