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Heres an idea...


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Why not stop catering to whiners, make everything the same as single player. If you get murdered all the time in MP it'll be due to your lack of skill. Mind you ,the MP only force powers would be more difficult to do,so put them like they were(the lightside/darkside seemed more balanced).

By the "same " I mean ,same damage, same moves, same ammo capacity etc. That would leave no excuses like"Waaaa ,he spammed so and so move" or "boo hoo hoo ,He used that damn force thingy on me". This is because everthing in sp has something to counter it effectively(unlike mp). If you suck in sp its only because YOU suck. Play the game ,learn whats what ,learn how to do all the moves. Besides, do we really need to learn a whole new system for mp ?

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