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corrupt jpeg / unsupporeted marker type 0xa7


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Loading vm file vm/cgame.qvm.

VM file cgame compiled to 1775642 bytes of code

cgame loaded in 11068576 bytes on the hunk

Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment


Unsupported marker type 0xa7



this problem makes it impossible to play many of the maps in multiplayer as it exits and shows me that code...i believe that is the relevant part. if that is a corrupt file, is there a way to get an uncorrupted version? i've tried reinstalling to no avail. any help is appreciated. thanks. :confused:

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yes i have that problem too, Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment Unsupported marker type 0xa7 ,plus could not load OpenGL subsystem My drivers are all up to date ati 8500 p4 1.6 512ddr ram..asus moboard

I get that in sp and mp and in sof 2 but not moh aa a q3 engine game? any ideas anyone....

tried diffrent combos with my card turn off/on options ect and having it run on defaults too

my other games run great

cant be my vidcard drivers and no my card aint the le version

as my drivers are allways up to date

it goes away if i reinstall the game pretty silly me thinks

for a while it does stop.

cant be my drivers and not my hardware

any ideas anyone?

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