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Hosting games with a DLINK router


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I have a dlink router. In order to host games, JK2 says that I need to open specific ports, but my router setup wont let me open all those ports unless I have a port"trigger" which is something like the port number initially sent out by the game. I do not know what this "trigger" number is - does anyone know? Apparently Lucasarts doesnt, since I emailed them and they said they didnt know which is total crap. If not, anyone have any suggestions?

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IS it a DI - 804 or 704 simiilar router? If you know what ports need to be let through, u need to give the router a rule for that port. Dlink tech support shouild be able to help. I have a dlink DI-804, I dont like it at all. It dose not like to keep the changes made to its options

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