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crimson jedi saber request


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ive made it, i just need to work out a few uvw map problems and get someone else to skin it because i have never tried skinning before and probably blow chunks. Im gonna try to get in the game first, wish me luck.


if it works ill send screenies.

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Originally posted by Madjai

ive made it, i just need to work out a few uvw map problems and get someone else to skin it because i have never tried skinning before and probably blow chunks. Im gonna try to get in the game first, wish me luck.


if it works ill send screenies.


Please do!:)

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hmm i need some help here, i think someone had this problem as well but i couldnt find their thread.


as you can see in the first 3 screenshots the model looks black and white, this is in 3rd person view. But it works fine in 1st person view, as you can see in the last screenshot...


so how do i fix this little problem??

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Originally posted by Garik Loran

You want a tripod logo for JK2?? :D :D :D


Erm, ok. The saber looks cool, and I personaly like to see loads of different sabers. So everyone can have a personal, if he or she likes.


If someone makes it I could make the HUD for the menus


Whats a HUD?

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