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WIP Space Marine


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    • Space Wolves
    • Imperial Fists
    • Dark Angles
    • Blood Angles
    • Ultra Marine

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The skinning continues....


i did alittle extra work on the head and arms. I just unwrapped the torso, hips, and legs. I won't be able to work on the model until monday so I figured I should post some progress? All the white lines are just place holders until I get the rest of the skin done.


<Pictures have been removed from the server, ask vig for them if you really want them :) >


I figured I should ask what kind of symbol you guys would like to see in the center of the chest. Since it varries from armor type.


1) Standard Imperial symbol, the falcon/raven/chicken thing head

2) Standard Imperial wings with a jewl in the center

3) Standard Imperinal wings with a skull in the center


I also think the wings should be yellow or gold. But I have seen white chest wings on Ultra Marines before.



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make it gold. i always hated the white symbol on the chest some people used for their veterans.


and i would like the: Standard Imperial symbol, the falcon/raven/chicken thing head

maybe the Standard Imperinal wings with a skull in the center,

but i'd prefer the first one!

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very very nice!!!

r u planning to make the model taller than all the others (cus marines r like 8feet tall.....)

cus if u do will u b able 2 use the standard skeleton on it?

gr8 job

i can wait to use it

imagine a marine with a lightsaber! KOOL!



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I think I might have chest/arm clipping issues when I get him ingame but he fits the skeleton and is only few points bigger than the storm trooper model. The render kind of distorts things :( makes his chest look bigger than it really is.


I am talking this week off to write a milkshape/ saber tutorial. Then i will get back and finish the skin /weighting. After that it should not be long until he is in game.


Just have the legs and back pack to skin.



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WOW just sweet work!


hope we can DL it soon! btw you could make a ctf version of him



Blue >> Ultram.

Default >> SpaceWolves ?

Red >> Blood Angels ( just make a drip on his chestarmor )


you could give them a different hair cut or color ..what ever


looking forward!

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As I was writting the milkshape light saber making tutorial, it hit me the space marine would not have a wimpy standard issue jedi saber...oh no... he would have a thick burley saber that would do some damage even with the blade in. It's not skinned yet but that is the basic color scheme applied to several groups.


When I release this space Marine he will have his own saber. Any helpful critiques would be great. Remember this is not a jedi saber it's a saber for a Space Marine, they have a FLARE for the big and exagerated ;)







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Well he is not done yet... the skinning work continues. I should have the skin wrapped up next week. for now here is what the skin looks like right now. I took a break from working on the Marine to do a saber tutorial (which is not finished yet :( ) I have taken a break from my break to get some skinning work done :D





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  • 4 weeks later...

Vig takes a deep breath and blows the dust off his ol' Space Marine.


After much fustration and trying to get my space marine into JK2 I gave up :( Then a few days ago I dusted it off and started making different skins for him. As well as a different head. It is with new determination and new found hope that I think I will give it one more try :D







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