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Rbots for JK.........

James Bond

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Hi folks.....


firstly if some of you don't have a clue what Rbots for JK means.....go read this over at massassi.....


for those of you that visit massassi you might know whats been going on recently but for all those that don't.....


Rbots is looking for people to help further its development after Raynar (the founder) has had to stop working on it....


you'll need to know COG to help out in the programming/level converting side of things, but if you have DFII: JK and have always wanted to play against computer players your input would help greatly as testers.....


So far two people have come forward to help out in the programming side + one on converting the levels I was looking for around 4 on programming and 2 or 3 on the level converting....


so any of you who used to edit JK and are a bit bored over the summer please help get all the bugs fixed from Rbots so that we can have a bug free patch that covers all the LEC levels and hopefully one or two massassi MP level packs......


testers are also always welcome but without work on the code there isn't going to be much to test bar new levels......


This is a bit of a stab in the dark that was suggested by Kurgan but hopefully some people out there might want to help out......


anyone interested should post here or email me sisko_ben_ds9@hotmail.com or post over at the rbots forum at massassi......


anyone with any thoughts on Rbots or with any questions please ask, but for more in-depth technical stuff you might want to ask Raynar (email on site)......


think thats all...... cheers for reading this far.... ;)

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