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>:AGSP:< Mimban Temple

Grets Sirob

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Perhaps cause you only waited 4 hours before posting that no one looked? :p


My total impression would be a simple statement... I hate levels where you can't jump around. :p


But that's a personal stylistic thing, not necessarily a design flaw...


It also reminds me of a map I played for Quake 3 once... can't remember the name of it now.


Texturing is a little bit plain, but does the job... I would advise adding a few little side areas with "shrines" and such... with some colors other than orange. :)


Nice little spikes you made... on the whole, very promising...


(p.s. you can't :p)

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RichDiesel, thanks for saying something.


I hate levels where you can't jump around.

Actually, there's plenty of room to jump around. The ceiling is (I think) higher than avarage. And, if you don't like that, you can always go to the central room. Very high ceiling there.


Nice little spikes you made

You like? I like. Gotta love that vertice tool(is that it's name?).


Texturing is a little bit plain

Yeah, it's a bit plain, but I can't think of anything alse to do. I like it though, your right, it does the job.


with some colors other than orange

Good idea, I'll change the color of certain light entities for the fire. Make the ones for hot fire, maybe more red. And not very hot fire, more orangish. Other than that, I really can't think of what else to do.


would advise adding a few little side areas with "shrines" and such

What exactly do you mean?


p.s. you can't

Oh yeah? Well than how did the guy who made the "do not read, accidently clicked new thread" thread say that? It originally read something else...


on the whole, very promising

Thank you!



My only problem so far is the weird shadows. Any ideas on how I could fix them?





:ewok: Duba-duba-duba!

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You like? I like. Gotta love that vertice tool

Vertex (VER-TEX) tool. :D Which edits vertices (VER-TI-SEES). :p


would advise adding a few little side areas with "shrines" and such


What exactly do you mean?


As in, adding little niches/alcoves in random places with very small shrine sort of things... you ever play the original Diablo? Those little fountains in the middle of nowhere were shrines. :D


Shrines in a temple usually abound... they are special little places off from the main areas of a temple where a person can go to meditate or pray.


You could add a little concrete looking fountain with a meditation mat on the floor in front of it somewhere... and my idea was to have those areas less orange and the rest of the temple that same color. :) Would give intersting contrasts and make the level memorable.


Oh yeah? Well than how did the guy who made the "do not read, accidently clicked new thread" thread say that? It originally read something else....

Well pah! I have no idea. :) I tried editing my topic and it didn't work last time I did that... :)

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Vertex (VER-TEX) tool.

Oh, right, thanks!


Originally posted by RichDiesal

Shrines in a temple usually abound... they are special little places off from the main areas of a temple where a person can go to meditate or pray.

If you'll reread my original post you'll see that it says:

Origianlly posted by Grets Sirob

This temple was built for settling differences between individuals

So, as you see, shrines may not be the best things for this map. "Built for settling differences," as it says. This temple is for battles, not for worship. But thanks for the idea anyway(I may use it for my FFA map, hmm...)





:ewok: Duba-duba-duba!

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Red on one side, blue on the other... wouldn't the middle be purple then? :p


Eh, shad ap!:p



BTW, would you be interesting in beta-testing?(it is closed people, don't ask, I will ask you)





:ewok: Duba-duba-duba!

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People, post your suggestions/flames/comments, you would never do this to better mappers, why me? Well, when I release these maps, you'll see. You'll also all come flocking to my next project, it is unavoidable, hehe...





:craider: *tusken battle cry*

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Ah-ha! I found out why I havn't been getting your e-mails! When you try to forward it to me, you have to type in this e-mail address: grets_sirob@attbi.com

Otherwise, it goes somewhere else(don't know why...)


Anyway, back to the map, Rich, I tried to add red lighting, but it looks very artificial, looks weird. So, I'll have to put the other lighting back in(guess it's uniform orange again*sigh*) Otherwise, it looks great! I added some items, weapons, and boons. Put some trigger_hurts I had missed last bsp in, so it hurts now. So, any other stuff to say? At the very least, give me some encouragement!





:craider: *tusken battle cry*

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Ok, it's update time!

First, I changed the light back, so it looks more normal now. And I'm almost ready to start beta-testing, I just need my server guy to contact me. I've also got a website for this project almost done, so watch for that! Now, I'm going to give you a breif history of this project, and I want you to decide whether or not this project is cursed:

1. Built the map with JKR, only to have it implode.

2. Rebuilt the map with JKR, only to discove that it's sized wrong, back to the drawing board!

3. Rebuilt, and almost completed, only to find that JKR has decided to go: "*pop!*, no worky!", *sigh* Yet another setback, on to GTK!


So, I need an opinion, is this project plagued with bad luck?





:no wampa smily:mad:make one jk2.net!: Roar!

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I'm so confused!!


Oh well, when you live in my house, you get used to confusion...



Anyway, even though beta-testing hasn't commenced yet, I still have a suggestion from one of them. (it's Corran, for the beta-testers reading this) He says that the upper level would be a great duel area, but it's a little to cluttered for that. So, after we test the current version, I'm going to go back and completely redo that part. The pillars in the corners will be thicker, and all the inner pillars will leave the premisis. The chandolier thing will stay, but will be suspended either from the ceiling, or from the four corner pillars(most likely). All the small torches will also leave the premisis, and the larger ones from downstairs will replace them in the corners. In the center, I may make a contraption to hold the boon, suspending it off the ground, with a little area below it(in case I decide to implement jedi master gameplay). Please post any and all comments/flames/suggestions. They are very welcome.

I will be getting my Mimban Temple home page up soon. I'm going to go browse the forums(including jom's). So I will be back later, please post something for me to see. I wish to know how I can improve my map.





:jawa Oo-oo Ootini!

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All right people. Check this out! My site is finally up! I'm not entirely done with it yet, I'm going to add a couple other pages, plus a links to certain pages at the top. I think it looks ok(for my first page:D), and it will include more later. For now though, you can check it out here



Oh, the screenshots are a pretty easy to find, but in case your an idiot, click on the link for the duel version, then screenshots, then early gtk screens, those are the latest.





:gungan: Mesa stupid!

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