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Angels of Death


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We are looking for a few Jedis. If you are interested check our code http://msmdesignz.com/aod/ If you are still interested check out our forums http://www.jekel.9cy.net/ib/index.php There is a Tryouts section to post your request in. Be sure to mention JK2 is the game you want to play as we have divisions in Red Faction, Swat 3, MOHAA and a few other games. We also have or own server that will be running JK2 very soon.

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I just thought that i would post for nothing to see if that guy still has a problem with my name though it is totaly different and ive been using it for 5 years .. but thats ok i copied his name evn though i was only posting on web sites for 2 years which makes it Imposible in every way to copy his name

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Cliche? More like "Original", because we are the Original AOD. We have been around for quite some time. JK2 is just another rung on our ladder. We are not one of those One game clans. We have servers in jk2, sof2, mohaa, Red Faction, and Swat 3.

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"angels" = one of the most commonly used words in clan names. when clans are throwing darts at the word board trying to come up with a name, angel is there in big bold letters.


"death" = even more common than angel.


"angels of death" = cliche x 2

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If it was so common why don't you see more Angels of Death????

I haven't seen any Angels of anything, much less Death. We have been around for almost 3 years, and your the first person i've ever heard say the name was a common one..............wait a minute i think i just caught myself wasteing my time:confused:

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LoL seems we have a fan........!


We are the original I happen to agree that AOD has become more comon in the gaming community and for those of you that have played----- redfaction-----Medal of honor-----Swat3------Soldier of Fortune----Nascar02-----Ghost Recon---Counter Strike------and of course jk2 know we are no small clan we are the original AOD......I take great pride in the name being picked up and used shows me we have impressed our name on the gaming community....we have been online close to 3 years and we show no sign of slowing down...it seems we musst be doing somthing right for such a cliched name lol....u of course are welcome to your opinions as we are......but i would suggest before the next time u post try not to stick your foot quite so far down your throat.............LOL


AOD 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


.......................and may the force be with you.........!

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actually I have seen A lot of AOD's in CS, Swat3, Starcraft, Diablo,diablo2, etc... Yes AOD is pretty fuking common.. And almost all of them means ANGELS OF DEATH.

However I saw a clan in UT about a year ago, where I used to play UT a lot, there was a clan called AOD, however it didn't mean Angels of death, it meant "Army of Darkness". Pretty cool uh =P

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Yea the old Army of Darkness.........i used to talk with those guys they do thier tag a little different though, i think it's AoD.........something to that effect, where we wear our tags in all caps.......if you see any AOD's running around ask them who thier leaders are.........if they don't say Lividum or Smoke, then they are just another fish in the sea...........



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i have no idea what the hell you all are talking about, "AOD" this that or the other thing, whatever, anyways, my point is that "ANGELS OF DEATH" is a gay ass name. seriously, it's something a bunch of eight year olds would come up with while running around toting their dart guns and playing war. if other people are stealing this name 'cause they think it's cool, shame on them. if a star wars movie were released and a jedi or sith group named "ANGELS OF DEATH" popped up, do you know how much **** it would take? people would laugh until their balls fell off, or leave the theater in disgust. your clan's name would be helluva more respectable if it were "Hell's Satans" or "The Christ-Punchers" (the simpsons), because those names are obviously ridiculous. but "ANGELS OF DEATH"? c'mon.

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Ok your up to troll level now. Half your posts in one thread berating a group you know nothing about. You surely didnt understand the above posts. We are not exclusive to Jedi Knight 2. Do you undesrstand that? We are not going to change the name of our clan just because we open a JK2 division. Maybe Angels of Death doesnt sound very much like Star Wars but a Star Wars clan name wouldn't sound good when we are playing Soldier of Fortune 2. So you keep one clan name for everything, get it? They above post go to show that we have been around since before AOD became common. Any game we join we become respected because of our attitudes, our fair gameplay, and our skill. We don't want to get respect from a cool name, we want to earn it the right way.

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i don't have to know anything about your band of pimply geeks to make fun of your name. and who cares if you use the same clan name for other games? my point is that it's so ridiculous that even if it's used in the context you're using it in, it sucks. what if i made a clan named "the burly interstellar space monkeys" and the clan participated in a bunch of games? the name would still suck, you stupid ho. i can't believe you and your group are so proud of a crappy name, jeeze. and what's this about earning respect by playing video games? ahahaha, yeah good luck with that, geek.

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