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Patch Suggestions


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Make it blockable unless a player is at 20 health or something low like that. Its gay having people push and backstab all day.



I cant stand getting pushed on the ground and have to wait half an hour to get up, only to get backstabbed. Make some kind of dodge roll (on the floor, not Left and Tap Crouch) or be able to block while ur on the floor.


Mind Trick:

I dont know if this is 100% accurate, but I've seen people use mind trick, but still see the glow of their lightsaber on the ground. This renders Mind Trick useless, how about disabling the glow when mind trick is used.



Considering its so powerful, it should drain the player of his health, at least a little bit of it, cause its being abused (like everything else)


Force Regenerate:

Its too fast when the Jedi Skill is set at Jedi Master. Slow it down a bit maybe, or limit the use of the Force if its being spammed.


Thats about it.

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block backstabs? so battles can take forever? no thanks that would be boring and take forever.. and would not be fun for online play.


if you cant stand getting pushed on the floor, learn how not to get pushed down. if you get pushed on the floor.. your SUPPOSED to be vulnerable. this is balanced.. because you CAN AVOID getting pushed entirely if your a good jedi..


generally you can stand still and pushes and pulls wont work near as much..if your dark jedi DRAIN your opponents force power so they can not push or pull you. if you do get knocked down, you can turn on dark rage and you wont die from the backstab. And if your a good jedi, you can turn on absorb. and get force power back from them pushing you. if you get knocked down as a light jedi, you can turn on protect and you might not die.


i really dont see what the problem is, making it so that there is practically no punishment for getting knocked down is retarded from a gameplay point of view. if you cant learn the MANY ways to avoid getting knocked down, then your just gonna have to loose repeatedly.


lightning being abused? i think its balanced. if its being spammed, absorb it ;). or dark rage.. you wont take damage from the lightning user, and you can use a weapon and blast them to bits before they know what happens.


force regen isnt too fast.. your force regens as fast as everyone elses force power.. its balanced because either player can use the force to his advantage. if you dont like using the force.. then play on a no force server.


after having played both light and dark. i think they are both balanced.. light is a bit more defense.. while dark is more offensive.

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