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Multiplayer atmospheric issues (Saber sounds etc.)


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Relax, this is not about gameplay at all! ;)


1. In Single Player, Kyle's lightsaber sound is unique, kind of a deep hum, and the Reborn's activation sound is just like Darth Vader's. But alas, in multiplayer, every saber sounds the same. Apart from the fact that I think the humming is a little too high and hollow in MP, it'd be great if the player had at least three choices of activation sounds (I've identified the following: The classic one (heard most of the time), the dark one (Darth Vader, Reborn, Tavion, Desann), and some high-pitched (Luke's green saber in ROTJ, Count Dooku's saber).


2. I'm missing some blocking sounds from Single Player, too...overall, multiplayer sabering sounds are just not quite what they are in Single Player. ;)



3. Many JK2 players perform a rapid weapon change from saber to pistol and back, which results in a cool-looking saber-twirl. Problem is, it's backwards. Maybe there's a way to script that animation the "right" way and bind a second taunt key. ;) I've always missed the ability to copycat young Obi-Wan's quite frequent saber twirling. *grin*



Opinions, anyone?





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You can dl, some new sounds for mp as well as for sp if ya like. There all several sites that you get lukes saber sound, the sith style sound, a couple of others. They really are pretty fun to use, but in mp unless the server is using the specific sound, you wont be able to hear it.

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