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hard numbers from the source code.


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Been picking apart sabers most of the evening, and thought people would be interested in these numbers. Each style has three possible max values.. normal attack, special attack, and backstab. Red stance has a fourth value supplied though I'm still unsure how it gets used. I *think* the way it works is that ALL red stance attacks have the variable damage code applied to them. Both yellow and blue stances will not suffer this limitation on regular swings.



normal dmg: 120

special dmg: 180

backstab dmg: 30

base: 100




normal: 60

special: 80

backstab: 25




normal: 35

special: 30

backstab: 30



Backstabs work funny. Apparently the way they're coded they are capable of doing their damage several times in succession while the animation plays. In fact there's a comment in the code that says backstabs "can hit multiple times (and almost always does)".


Now for the swing-damage modifications.


Each attack is capable of doing it's max damage when it is exactly in the middle of the attack animation. This animation is keyed by the player's torso, just fyi.


Apparently it's as simple as figuring out the current point in the animation, then dividing that by the max. This gives you a decimal. This number is then multiplied by the max damage of the attack to get the value.


At that point some range checking is done to make sure the attack doesn't go below or above the min/max.


Minimum damage for all attacks is 2. :p


Next I'm gonna research force powers. My goal is to eventually do a hybrid of 1.03 and 1.02, using ArtifeX's suggestion essay as a guide.


I'm not a terribly skilled programmer so I won't be able to do most of his more crazy modifications but it already looks like value tweaking is quite easy to do.

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Thanks dude! I'm downloading the source for the same reason. :)


You're tweaking idea sounds cool. Let us know how that comes along!


Apparently it's as simple as figuring out the current point in the animation, then dividing that by the max. This gives you a decimal. This number is then multiplied by the max damage of the attack to get the value.


I remember reading in one of the changelists that damage is toned down towards the end of the animations. Is that true for backstabs too, or is it doing max damage from when it reaches it's max point to the end?

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It's a bell curve.


Damage is very low at the start of the attack, ramps up until it hits the midpoint, then falls back down.


Backstabs do indeed get the damage ramping but because the per-hit number is so low it doesn't effect it as much as, say, DFA is.


Half damage from a max of 30 is a lot less of a hit than half damage from a max of 180, in other words.


backstab is powerful because it hits the target several times in rapid succession, even on blue stance, and I'm not entirely sure yet why this is the only attack that works like that.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

backstab is powerful because it hits the target several times in rapid succession, even on blue stance, and I'm not entirely sure yet why this is the only attack that works like that.


Probably because the attack isn't a swing. The attack is a stab, and doesn't hit unitl it is at the end of it's animation. If damage is linked to the torso as Xzzy has deduced, then the stab will do max damage through the whole animation because the torso doesn't really move. Furthermore, the saber just sits there for quite a long time. What you end up with is a resting saber that does max damage and hits as long as a model is in contact with it.

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