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Odd MP source mod error


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I did the little tutorial makemod.txt thing that comes with the MP source, compiled the jk2mpgame.qvm file, put it in gamedata/sabertest/vm, ran jk2mp.exe +set fs_game sabertest, but when I even try to load a level, JO freezes. The odd part is, I've sent the file to multiple people who have had it work fine. Anyone have any idea at all what could be the problem?

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I'm interested in knowing how well it compiled for you out-of-box. I ran the bat file it indicated, and got nothing but bad command or filename errors. I had this same problem with the Q3 source, so I followed the same steps to fix it - simply copying the value of cc down over the %cc% in the bat file, but now I get


D:\lectools\bin\lcc cpp: no such file or dir


Did you have install to the default destination for it to work?


I can compile it as a DLL, but when I package it up as a mod, then load it, nothing is changed. I'm not certain JO is even loading the DLL, despite the fact that it's right where the readme says to put it.

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Well, I just extracted the source to gamedata/code, and with or without changing anything, go to a command prompt, cd\jodir\gamedata\code\game\. Then just run game.bat. Or cgame.bat or ui.bat, depending on which VM you're compiling.


After a completely fresh install of JO, with only jk2mpgame.qvm being the only file not placed in my JO dir by the installer...it still doesn't work. *cry*

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Thanks for the tip but.... sadly it didn't change anything. Custom mods seem to freeze my JK2.

More specifically.... all jk2mpgame.qvm's crash my JK2. cgame.qvm's run fine, but there seems to be another problem there. Any change I make to the cgame doesn't appear to show up in game... do I actually have to be a client for this one to work, and not hosting my own game or what? Has anyone else gotten cgame mods to work?

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/me hits himself in the head


So yeah... I hadn't installed the patch because last time it did it completely jacked up my SP. So I had reinstalled without patching... repatched, SP and mods work fine... sigh... thanks a bunch. Now I can finally work at getting some mods to work.

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D:\lectools\bin\lcc cpp: no such file or dir


This means the game.bat file cant execute these files.


You need to "PATH" these files.


Depending on your OS,

In in Win2k, you would add the path the JK2tools in the Enviroment vars.


In Win9x, you would add the path to your autoexec.bat/config.sys

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Originally posted by fourwood

/me hits himself in the head


So yeah... I hadn't installed the patch because last time it did it completely jacked up my SP. So I had reinstalled without patching... repatched, SP and mods work fine... sigh... thanks a bunch. Now I can finally work at getting some mods to work.

Great to hear that you got it working!

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