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Installation Problem...


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I've had JKII for a while now, but when i first installed it, it kept freezeing at 54% or something, so i just copied all the files from the disk onto my hard drive, which worked fine... but i cant install any patches or any thing else into the game :(


I deleted to the folder and cleared my registry but now when i go to install JkII i get "Do you want to remove the selected application and all of its components" :mad: Im running xp pro, and i know this has been posted somewhere b4, just cant figure out where, any help u guys can give me would be great :D

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Browse the cd and find the actual setup file used. (When you stick the cd in it launches an auto launch program dealy that just runs other programs when you click a button) I don't have the CD handy so I don't know exactly what it is but I imagine it's something like "setup.exe"

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Are you running the setup.exe file in the GameData directory? It launched the setup deally for me and asked me if I wanted to remove the game. Try running that and if it asks you to remove click yes. That should clear out anything you missed. And if that doesn't work you could try copying the files in the Gamedata directory underneath the first gamedata directory to your hard drive in a folder you make. (Eg, make a folder on your D or C drive called JKII then go to e:\Gamedata\Gamedata and copy the entire Second Game data directory over. It's worth a shot =|

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