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Few questions


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1) How can I efficently, or which is the right way to use the GLOW textures for the lights?

2) How can I make the bots work properly? If I use them, they'll only jump around like maniacs.

3) Is there a way to make strobing lights?

4) Sorry for asking these questions (propably all over again) but the search does not work :(

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1) Glow textures are not actually shown in game... they are part of shader. Read a shader manual. :p But to temporarily clarify, take impdetention/lpanel6tuw... there is also an lpanel6tuwglow texture that looks much like the first texture except in black and white... this is because the white areas from the glow texture (as specified in the shader) tell the engine to emit light from those areas of the first texture.


I could explain it much more clearly in much longer detail, but that's what manuals and tutorials are for. :p


2) Read. :phttp://jk2ed.jediknightii.net/botroute.htm


3) Yes, just add the key "style" to a light entity with value "4" (fast strobe) or value "9" (slow strobe).


4) No prob. The easiest way to understand these things is actually just to locate a tutorial site somewhere and read EVERY SINGLE TUTORIAL THERE. :D

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