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Transporting Units


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If only i can put 100 units inside 10 :atat: and then put 10:atat: inside a ransport side like age of empire. in swgb, u can put 10 units inside an :atat: and then put the :atat: inside an air transport. dear designers of swgb, do u think u all can make that happen?

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That's good for making a quick strike, but very bad if your air transport suddenly gets slaughtered by an air cruiser... especially if you're over water/lava/space or someplace else where you can't drop troops (the whole "don't put all your eggs in the same basket" principle)...



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Doesn't anybody think that it looks dumb when those huge

AT-AT's get inside of that transport, which is much smaller.

If a tranport can haul 10 AT-AT's you would think it could easily haul 100 stormtroopers.

This transport reminds me of Dr.Whos time machine that is much larger on the inside than on the outside. LOL

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