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[J-K] Looking for padawan and jedi's


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anyways here i go


before i start telling you how to join this clan i will tell you what makes us the clan to join


well when u look at our website you will note one thing.. we firmly believe in dedication, thats why we have a new training system in which all new players have to choose there mentor, by this i mean the person who will take you under there wing and teach you our ways!


this will be 2 weeks of hardcore jk2 playing.. i don't mean none stop or anything but it will be duel on a pvt server (fastest connection hosts) and will be just training now after the 2 weeks 1 other members (rank of jedi upwards) will come into the server with us and watch you, you will then take on 2 members and MUST atleast get half kills if you don't, then fear not has we will then know more training is needed and then YOU choose weather to replace your trainer with anther player (no hard feelings) But after the next 2 weeks you will have to win the trail or you can not join us,


Now when you win the trail you then are auth to begine training padawans yourself, so then it is up to you to bring in skilled blood back into the clan, this we feel gives You a sence of belonging to not only a clan but a group of people with the same goal.



anyways i guess you get the general idea here is what we are looking for


atm we have only been looking for UK players due to the timezone problems (we all know that problems yes?) so we are looking for someone to be incharge of the US side of the clan this person would be 18+ with ICQ and able to give feed back into the clan and also have clan leadership experiance before


yes this is starting to sound like a dam job advert but heh we want to win leagues and the only way to do that is to do this,


Now we are also looking for general players too


so need us to say if u apply to be the co-leader for US and u don't make it you will however still be in has a US player which will be a second group for leagues!!!


Now the webpage is at http://jediknights.rules.it


I hope you have enjoyed reading though my typos


bye for now



also if u can help us with a dedicated server u can get in touch useing the forum's

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