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general question - anakin's saber - not modeling related

Faye Ying

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we see 2 sabers


1 from EP 2

1 from EP 4 and 5


to me, they dont' appear to be the same saber.

why do some say they're the same?


the anakin saber up for dl looks like the EP 4 and 5 saber, but the hud images are from EP 2!!


the one in EP 2 looks almost identical to the vader saber only with a silver emitter shroud instead of black


sure, the EP 4 and 5 saber looks like the Ep 2 saber, but the EP 4 and 5 saber was based off the graflex 3 flash cell and the emitter shroud on the EP 2 saber is too vader-ish to be the rounded tip from the EP 4 and 5 saber shroud


can someone clarify this to me?



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ya, i figured he builds a new one


the top got sliced off!? O_O

i thought it only the circuity got messed or something.


and so, last question :

is the anakin saber for dl the one from ep 2 or 4/5?

i feel the model is from 4/5 but the hud pics are from ep2

anyone care to fix it? or nobody cares and just leave it as it is?

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