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No Visual C++ = Can't mod?


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Okay, so I looked at the MakeAMod_readme.txt and noticed it calling for Microsoft Visual C++ v6.xx. Do you have to have this $1000 program to make a mod? There's no way I can fork over that amount of cash just to try to code for JO, but I really would like to try to learn to code. Thanks in advance for any replies I might get.

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I got mine for free! Go to your local junior college and sign up for a C++ class. Most JCs nowadays have a HUGE software library that students have full access too. I got WindowsXP, Win2000, MSVC 6.0 & MSDN, and a bunch of other stuff I don't even use from school :)

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http://www.planetquake.com/code3arena/compilers.shtml has info for non-VC++ compilers.


I got VS 6 Pro for $35 (and yes it's legit). The best way to get it is through a school you are attending. If you're not attending any school, then I'm sure you can find a copy. I'm not quite sure VS.NET will handle it. I first attempted to load it in .NET and was informed that I needed to update the project (which I haven't done yet, I'm just using VS 6 for this).

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the qvm compiler that comes with the source is sufficient to compile all the code, so no, you don't need C++ really.


qvm building is very slow though so it'd be more efficient to have a compiler.

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Then just run the game.bat that's located inside gamedata/code/game and allow it to compile. After it's done compiling, go to gamedata/code/base/vm/ and find the file with the .qvm file extension and follow the rest of Raven's instructions from there about creating the TestMod folder and so forth.

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Ok, I found that in the game.bat, the "set cc=..." didn't work, so I copied this:

lcc -A -DQ3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\ui

and pasted it at all places where it said "%cc%".

You could try that.

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